London Scene Roundup: Has Joe Lubin Gone Too Far?

Sage of Shoreditch reports on the altcoins that replace ski passes and redeem sins, recent London ICOs, Joe Lubin’s creating a multi-billion Blockchain empire and Satoshi spotted at a rugby game.
Sage of Shoreditch reports on the altcoins that replace ski passes and redeem sins, recent London ICOs, Joe Lubin’s creating a multi-billion Blockchain empire and Satoshi spotted at a rugby game.

Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton, aka the ‘Sage of Shoreditch’, reports on the altcoins that replace ski passes and redeem sins, recent ICOs, Joe Lubin’s creating a multi-billion Blockchain empire and Satoshi spotted at a rugby game.

Redeem your sins

Parishioner Fred Unwin always has a large smile on his face. He attends church when he can but this time I met him on his way to the pub.

Cointelegraph: You seem very happy with life Fred. What’s going on?

Fred Unwin: Yes indeed. I have just purchased another £5000 of GodCoins that moves me closer to heaven. Even though this year I was on Santa’s naughty list now I have moved up.

The Very Reverend Joseph Fupa explained:

“GodCoin allows regular churchgoers to earn credits that move them up the list to be the first to enter through the ‘pearly gates’. The altcoin has a redeeming quality, don’t you think?”

At the Church of St Deeds in Somerset next to the crypt, there is a sign that explains to parishioners how to leave donations in GodCoins. It reads: GodCoin Accepted here!

21Coin ICO planned for 5 April

David Lofts, Chief Marketing Officer at 21Million who confirms the 5th April 2017 date for the upcoming ICO, says:

“We decided to delay our ICO until the start of the new Tax Year and we are putting things in place to meet our deadlines and the interest in our project builds…”

Cointelegraph: So tell us about the new TV series - #21MillionMovie

David Lofts: It is all a bit hush hush really. But what I can tell you is we have secured an award-winning director and a couple of A-listers for the pilot and we plan to start shooting in the summer of 2017. The pilot will be followed by 12 75-minute episodes shot in different cities.

CT: What is the altcoin for 21Million?

DL: At first we were considering a ColoredCoin but then decided to create ‘21Coin’ and issue it from our own platform. At the same time we will be partnering with a Wallet provider but also from day one making 21Coin available for trading across different crypto-exchanges e.g. Bittrex.

CT: What is different about what you are offering?

DL: Whilst SingularDTV raises capital for content creation, their primary objective is to be the digital repository for all entertainment content and offer content creators the opportunity to effectively management their own Rights. We are focusing on the creation of great content and see crypto-funding as a great opportunity for fans to get involved and have their say.

“We will be introducing something called Viewer Controlled Content which is a very cool concept that allows investors to make decisions about the path the Movies takes, a movie that is spread over 12 episodes. Investors get to become members of and participants in 21Million to help create, shape and then own the content we all create.”

“The production team, actors and behind-the-scenes staff are also all paid the same wage. We are the first true libertarians in an industry that prides itself on paying the big bucks to a few people at the very top.”

CT: Are you going to issue 21Coin pre-ICO?

DL: Probably yes. We have a lot of A-list celebrities interested in investing who have joined the long list. There has also been a lot of interest from crypto-traders who see 21Coin offering a longevity while other new altcoins do not and see its durability for the long term.

SnowCoin to replace ski passes in Highlands

Ski passes is what you need for the ski season for getting access to lifts and slopes. Cointelegraph caught up with Ben Doon, owner of a Highland resort. Cointelegraph met him at the Slippery Slope Hotel on the edge of their treble black run, the scariest ski-run in the world, open only Wednesdays!

Cointelegraph: How many ski guests do you get each season?

Ben Doon: We get around 1.5 mln visitors to our slopes and we have already got commitments from 500,000 visitors who will buy our SnowCoins for the 2018 season.

“It is a milestone for the industry as all our bars and restaurants now take SnowCoin so you can buy your snifter before braving the cold.”

CT: What is the value of SnowCoin?

BD: We peg it to the Scottish Pound so users can convert it with any currency using our wallet that links to the Haggis Exchange.  

We expect the entire Ski Industry to get behind SnowCoin as the preferred currency of the Alps. The Austrians have SnappsCoin and the Germans LuftCoin and the Swiss ChocoCoin that are similar but not as fungible as ours and we have the best name of all - SnowCoin.

Satoshi Spotted at Twickenham

We hear from Vittalark Buttering again as he watches the Six Nations game between England and France.

Cointelegraph: Where did you spot him?

Vittalark Buttering: I was in the queue at Twickenham to see England’s opener against France and I noticed him about 10 people ahead of me. I called to him but he didn’t turn around

CT: How do you know it was Satoshi?

VB: Of course it was Satoshi. He is a big rugby fan and he knows Eddie Jones the England coach from his time coaching the Japanese rugby team during the last world cup.

As he went through the turnstiles I lost sight of him amongst all the fans. So I didn’t get a chance to speak to him. But I know it was him…

“Now that Twickenham takes Bitcoin Satoshi was bound to turn up given his love the oval ball game.”

Thanks, Vittalark, keep up the vigilance, we hope one day to hear what he actually says…

Coinfirm secures seed capital, the London-based Compliance as a Services platform on the Blockchain joined PwC Collider accelerator that helped it to raise investors’ seed capital. Pawel Kuskowski, CEO of Coinfirm, says:

“This injection of capital comes at a key time for us and will allow us to enter new markets and push for global standards...”

Recent ICOs

Contingency, a decentralized Trustless Gaming platform, has raised ¢250,000 in Ether.

Melon Project ICO starts in nine days. I have been looking forward to this ICO for a few weeks since attending a Melon Meetup in London. Melon is an open-source Blockchain protocol for asset management built on Ethereum that allows customers to set up manage and invest in digital assets. By using Blockchain, fixed and variable asset management costs, as well as time, requirements are drastically reduced. This enables a never before seen competitive environment for asset management strategies.

Has Joe gone too far diluting his personal brand?

Ethereum inventor and evangelist Joe Lubin, has sprinkled his personal brand across multiple ICO’s including ConsenSys, SingularDTV, the upcoming Gnosis ICO and Ujo Music.

But is he spreading himself too thin? Just how many management teams can he be involved with? Or is his model the future as he works with leading entrepreneurs and creates another platform that uses his ConsenSys model as the Ethereum inside leveraging R&D, using and re-using the code to disrupt several industries at once.

As ConsenSys goes from strength to strength, who would bet against Joe creating a multi-billion Blockchain empire. I for one wouldn’t  take the bet...