Lolli's Alex Adelman on Earning Bitcoin and Democratizing Commerce

In this Bitcoin Magazine podcast episode, Lolli CEO and co-founder Alex Adelman discusses democratizing commerce and driving bitcoin adoption
In this Bitcoin Magazine podcast episode, Lolli CEO and co-founder Alex Adelman discusses democratizing commerce and driving bitcoin adoption
- Bullish on Bitcoin

In this episode, Lolli CEO and co-founder Alex Adelman joins the Bitcoin Magazine Podcast to discuss Lolli's rapid growth, democratizing commerce, driving bitcoin adoption and the future of video games.

Lolli, the rewards application that lets users earn bitcoin when they shop online, has garnered more than 900 merchant partnerships since its inception, with more joining every day. Its most recent partnership, announced today, is with, an online learning platform aimed at professional adults seeking tech skills. Users can earn up to 18 percent back in bitcoin on all courses, which range from bitcoin and blockchain to design and IT lessons.




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