Litecoin Knacks a Problem Unsolved by Authorities of Madagascar

Litecoin users are bothered by global environmental problems and were able to raise 10000 dollars to provide solution to a vital problem of Madagascar.
Litecoin users are bothered by global environmental problems and were able to raise 10000 dollars to provide solution to a vital problem of Madagascar.

If You believe that cryptocurrency users are geeks and nerds living online, missing out the reality and being unable to answer the plain question about the season outside their lair – be ready to suffer a shock as it is not true. For example, Litecoin users are bothered by global environmental problems and were able to raise 10000 dollars to provide solution to a vital problem of Madagascar.

Let us observe the details. Madagascar is an island in the Indian Ocean, at the south-east of the African continent. While it is being one of the biggest in the world, it is covered with mangrove forests – the lungs of Earth and all the existing population. The area of these forests, as well as rain forests, taiga and other types of important vegetation, are getting reduced. The climate produces the reason itself - high temperatures, washing out of soil and its fertile substances, the human factor are harming the valuable forests and are not leaving a change for a natural healing. The only way is to restore the area by planting new trees on the provided space.

The Litecoin users decided to reduce the negative impact of the progress and modern technology on the environment by collecting a donation from the community. The set goal was 450 Litecoins or 10000 US dollars. Taking in account the fact that the country is relative poor, this humble sum allows not only to plant 100000 trees, but also to create 100 working places. The collected donation was processed and collected by Eden Projects, a charity located in Glendora, California. Their homepage lists this project among several similar with the same aim and principles, but considering other territories as Haiti or Ethiopia.

The activists, who have made the donations understand the global environmental risks and are ready to support initiatives that might contribute to the reduction of the footprint of the humanity. These 100000 trees might cover the carbon dioxide emissions provided by Litecoin mining equipment and other online activities.

Charlie Lee, known on the network as Coblee donated the half of the set sum. He commented his action as:

“I feel slightly responsible for all the carbon emission that I'm indirectly responsible for... I love the fact that this will create jobs and trees in Africa, as I was born and grew up in the Ivory Coast.”

The last 7 coins were received from Rob Woodgate, the author of the Bitcoin and Litecoin Survival Guide. His opinion is:

“Litecoin is all about empowering people to take control of their money, so it's great to see that being paid forward by empowering people to take control of their lives.”

Litecoins principles in general contribute to the ideas of sharing and help. The currency was designed to be more flexible in comparison with its a little older role model Bitcoin. The transactions are 4 faster, but the mining process is easier. The hardware to extract the coins is not optimized that often and the velocity of the process is independent from the investments in the equipment. During the last year the price of the Litecoin, often compared to silver, has grown by 300 times, ranking the currency on the second place in terms of global popularity after the gold-winning leader Bitcoin.