LaneAxis Building Tokenized Driver Social Network to Galvanize Freight Logistics Industry

For decades the freight industry has failed to keep pace with technology – often falling miles behind. It’s a shocking truth considering freight transportation is arguably the backbone of the world economy, generating over $800 billion in annual revenue in the US alone, with the global logistics sector expected to generate over $15 trillion by […]
For decades the freight industry has failed to keep pace with technology – often falling miles behind. It’s a shocking truth considering freight transportation is arguably the backbone of the world economy, generating over $800 billion in annual revenue in the US alone, with the global logistics sector expected to generate over $15 trillion by […]

For decades the freight industry has failed to keep pace with technology – often falling miles behind. It’s a shocking truth considering freight transportation is arguably the backbone of the world economy, generating over $800 billion in annual revenue in the US alone, with the global logistics sector expected to generate over $15 trillion by 2023. Freight management is a complex juggling act involving lots of moving parts comprised of ledgers, contracts, multiple third parties, and constant in-person interaction.

The advent of blockchain technology can — and almost certainly will — propel freight logistics into the technological forefront, transforming an industry badly in need of change. The chaos, deception, and inefficiency that has long plagued the industry will soon come to an end, thanks to blockchain.

LaneAxis, a 6-year-old SaaS-based freight management company, has positioned itself to lead transportation into this exciting new era.

LaneAxis, a 6-year-old SaaS-based freight management company, has positioned itself to lead transportation into this exciting new era. The LaneAxis blockchain platform will set the stage for industry-wide adoption of protocols that allow users to verify shipping transactions and track critical targets throughout the supply chain, and in the process eliminate expensive third-party freight brokers by establishing a global shipper-to-carrier direct network.

The key to building that global logistics community is the development of the LaneAxis Driver Social Network (DSN), which will help establish LaneAxis as a pioneer in the development of standardized supply chain processes on the blockchain. By paying unique attention to drivers’ needs rather than just relying on company-focused systems, the DSN will create a social network effect, resulting in mass adoption of the platform throughout the industry.

“Ultimately, the purpose of the Driver Social Community is to quickly build a large driver network, so as the freight side grows shippers will rapidly add carriers to their network,” says Rick Burnett, CEO and Founder of LaneAxis. “The app will be cool, easy-to-use, and packed with benefits that drivers will happily share with each other. The DSN is where truckers will connect for freight, discounts, and fun.”

LaneAxis’ goal is to sign up 4 million+ drivers with access to 2 million+ loads a day. The true value lies in connecting the shipper community directly with the massive driver community, which is mostly comprised of small, independent carrier companies with six trucks or less.

“As both our carrier and shipper communities expand, the two sides will eventually integrate into a virtual Transportation Ecosystem,” adds Burnett. “Shippers and drivers will deal directly with each other, benefit mutually, and never have a reason to utilize another trucking platform. This will be the first true global transportation community in the industry.”

Truckers will utilize the AXIS token to receive discounts on things like food, fuel, and tires, obtain real-time traffic and weather conditions, and enjoy other features designed strictly to benefit drivers. Real-time knowledge of drivers, loads, drop-off and pick up points, all captured on blockchain’s decentralized ledger, will produce industry insights that have previously been unattainable. All of these functions will be powered by the platform’s AXIS token, which will organically increase in value as it gains greater and greater adoption. Having all vested parties utilize the token within the LaneAxis ecosystem will, in turn, generate massive amounts of data and enable GPS-based load matching that can be used on a global scale.

Burnett — a 20-year trucking and logistics software veteran and former trucking company co-owner himself — understands that drivers are the very core of the carrier industry, and have largely been ignored by data-centered logistics. He believes LaneAxis will stand out from every other company building blockchain into their systems because the key to their DSN app will be driver adoption, which will, in turn, attract other industry players into the ecosystem. Since the trucking industry is currently suffering from a lack of drivers, the unique social aspect that the LaneAxis DSN app offers to next-generation truckers could indeed prove to be a savvy one. Not only does the platform provide all of the state-of-the-art technological nuts and bolts that the freight industry needs in order to function efficiently today, but crucially it also keeps drivers, who are isolated and often away from home for weeks at a time, connected with colleagues and everyone else involved in the logistics chain.

LaneAxis is getting set to launch the first tier of their full public token sale on September 21. Their pre-sale is now live with attractive bonus incentives in place to attract more buyers. The sale has already eclipsed its $2 million soft cap.

To find out more about LaneAxis and to purchase AXIS tokens, please visit

What are your thoughts on LaneAxis’ tokenized driver social network? Let us know in the comments below.

Images courtesy of LaneAxis.