Investment Boosts the Launch of New Exchanger Hitbtc

As it is widely known the throne is never vacant. Maybe, it is still too early to claim that the king is dead, long live the king, but the option definitely has to be considered as Mt.Gox makes a fatal mistake.
As it is widely known the throne is never vacant. Maybe, it is still too early to claim that the king is dead, long live the king, but the option definitely has to be considered as Mt.Gox makes a fatal mistake.

As it is widely known the throne is never vacant. Maybe, it is still too early to claim that the king is dead, long live the king, but the option definitely has to be considered as Mt.Gox makes a fatal mistake, but the scene is entered by a new promising exchange service Hitbtc. The recent revelations, analysis, reports and comments published on the global web might introduce to the newcomer an opportunity to collect experience without acting itself, but just observing the happenings.

However, any kind of criticism or comparison get broken, analyzing the key features of the new platform - state of the art cryptography, FIPS validation, two-factor authentication, 24/7 customer service and BTC/USD, BTC/EUR, LTC/USD and LTC/EUR currency pairs. The announcement about these options was made more than a month ago, which means that the developers have proven to be farsighted.

Empowerment of the launch on the 14th of February was a massive investment from a group of entrepreneurs from Israel. The sum has reached 3 million dollars and was more than enough for perfectly timed opening. The page has all necessary qualities to become a leader of the branch, as it uses as examples not only the existing cryptographic currency services, but the most respectful and reliable giants of finance and economy as NYSE, NASDAQ and LSE. Some actions provided are copied and updated in accordance with the requirements of Bitcoin and other virtual moneys.

The excessive features, but simple registration routine and interface aims to attract different groups of the auditory – from newbies to experts. The current pairs for trading include BTC/USD, BTC/EUR, LTC/USD and LTC/EUR. To all interested the platform will offer market data and statistics, and likely some specials that soon will be revealed. The BTCX and VIX indices can be followed to adjust the trading process. The most distinctive feature is the newsfeed ticker that will be updated instantly and from multiple sources of information. The promising beginning of business of Hitbtc allowed attracting several brokerage companies, who would like to contribute to the creation of mobile and desktop applications of the service.

The principles of safety and privacy are nowadays the primary functions to be observed choosing an exchanger. The developers have worked on a very impressive set of protection matters as the mentioned state of art cryptography combined with FIPS validation and offers of two-factor authentication. The compliance with the AML guidelines covers the legislative aspect, but the administration follows the situation to exclude suspicious behavior or any criminal activities. The support is ready to provide consultations 24 hours 7 days per week.

The page is in English, but the team promises to prepare French, English, German, Spanish and Chinese translations very soon. Currently, the developers would be grateful for any comments or advices from the users to make the platform even more comfortable for regular use. Form Your own opinion by visiting their page, but only time will show whether Hitbtc will be the matter to support the Nature to abhor the vacuum in the online financial environment.