Introducing Polkally: A seamless NFT experience

Polkally is a peer-to-peer auction platform for nonfungible tokens and was created out of the realization that there is no marketplace to date that is sufficiently decentralized, interoperable and inexpensive.
Polkally is a peer-to-peer auction platform for nonfungible tokens and was created out of the realization that there is no marketplace to date that is sufficiently decentralized, interoperable and inexpensive.

Polkally is a peer-to-peer auction platform for nonfungible tokens and was created out of the realization that there is no marketplace to date that is sufficiently decentralized, interoperable, inexpensive, easy to use and secure to achieve mass adoption. Launched in mid-February 2021 by Chloé Bigot, a former French painter and 3D modeler with a passion for digital art, Polkally aims to revolutionize the way NFTs are created and exchanged thanks to an infrastructure built on top of IPFS, Polkadot and EVM-based blockchains. 

The network is resilient by nature and the disappearance or malfunction of a single chain will not make the protocol obsolete. Polkally is compatible with a multitude of different blockchains, which also allows not to impose a specific network to users, who are free to use the blockchain of their choice. 

“I think it’s pretty unrealistic to say that there will be ‘one blockchain to rule them all.’ This maximalist narrative is getting old. On the contrary, I even think that the future of crypto lies in interoperability and that within five or 10 years, there will be not just one but a multitude of blockchains that communicate with each other. Polkadot is the perfect example and has, I believe, exponential potential.”

– Chloé Bigot, CEO of Polkally

Moreover, independent artists have always suffered from difficulties to exhibit their art and live off their work. This has been even more noticeable during the COVID-19 pandemic; the digitization of art and its royalties, as well as the platform that Polkally is trying to build, could well be the solution to this problem. 

Uses and benefits of KALLY 

KALLY, the native currency of the Polkally ecosystem, has three main use cases: 

  • First, it is the only payment method recognized by the ecosystem to buy exclusive NFTs on the platform. 
  • KALLY is also a governance token that can be used within the much-anticipated Polkally DAO. The community will, therefore, have a significant voice in the decision-making process once the DAO is made available.
  • The third and most interesting use case is the possibility to exchange ads for tokens, which will allow users to spread the word about the content they sell on the platform. 

The project also plans to launch an extensive staking and yield farming campaign to address the liquidity issue while satisfying the largest number of token holders. 

About Polkally 

Polkally is a multichain marketplace project for NFTs that aims to make this emerging class of assets exchangeable between different blockchain protocols. 

The project, which has already raised $700,000 through its private sale, is currently still under development, and its team expects the first version of the protocol to be available during summer 2021. 



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