Interview: The Fight For Freedom Money With Randy Brito

Randy Brito, cofounder of Loca Mesh, discusses mesh networks, maintaining Bitcoin sovereignty and the ongoing fight for freedom money.
Randy Brito, cofounder of Loca Mesh, discusses mesh networks, maintaining Bitcoin sovereignty and the ongoing fight for freedom money.
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On this episode of the "Bitcoin Magazine Podcast," host Christian Keroles sat down with Randy Brito, the cofounder and CEO of the Locha Mesh project.

Brito is a diehard Bitcoiner who has escaped persecution in Venezuela and is working every day with the mission to make Bitcoin more and more censorship resistant. Brito sees the current internet infrastructure as being a huge attack vector that must be addressed immediately. Locha Mesh is an open-source mesh networking project and protocol that is designed to be capable of supporting a global decentralized internet.

Keroles and Brito discussed why Westerners have been lulled into complacence with their stable yet centralized infrastructure and how the majority of the world desperately needs free, open and private internet, especially for Bitcoin. Brito believes that Bitcoin in the catalyst for us to rebuild our entire economy in a more decentralized way, but fears for the next few years in the battle.

Brito encouraged all the listeners to do what they can to support rebuilding on the internet in a way that is respectful to human rights and freedoms. He chants the rally cry "La Lucha Por La Locha Libre, The Fight For The Freedom Money."

Find Brito on Twitter: @randybrito

Topics Discussed In This Episode:

  • Permissionless Bitcoin: We are able to use Bitcoin today because those in power let us
  • Bitcoin isn’t actually uncensorable and unconfiscatable money if you use it through the overly-controlled and highly-surveilled traditional Internet infrastructure
  • In the early days, the web and the Internet (which is the network we currently used for transmitting bitcoin) were supposed to be decentralized, verifiable and private.
  • Locha Mesh is a P2P, decentralized, mobile-first mesh network.
  • It's a resilient network that will enable private communications, data and access to Bitcoin and the Lightning Network without centralized internet access.
  • Turpial devices: open-source software and open-source hardware.
  • Truly private anonymous communications and Bitcoin without internet mean permissionless freedom.