Interview: BlockStreet, a One Stop Shop for All Things Crypto!

Like many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet can show you the current price of Bitcoin on several different exchanges. Unlike many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet also adds other cryptos, market cap, detailed graphs, news sources, and a conversion calculator. The full feature list of what BlockStreet is capable of: Price of 15 different cryptocurrencies […]
Like many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet can show you the current price of Bitcoin on several different exchanges. Unlike many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet also adds other cryptos, market cap, detailed graphs, news sources, and a conversion calculator. The full feature list of what BlockStreet is capable of: Price of 15 different cryptocurrencies […]

Like many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet can show you the current price of Bitcoin on several different exchanges. Unlike many other cryptocurrency related apps, BlockStreet also adds other cryptos, market cap, detailed graphs, news sources, and a conversion calculator.

The full feature list of what BlockStreet is capable of:

  • Price of 15 different cryptocurrencies across 7 exchanges, plus 24 hour high, low, volume, and percentage change
  • Graph showing all-time highs, average, and lows from 12 hours to one month for the selected exchange and crypto
  • Market capitalization for cryptos, with price conversion to your favorite fiat currency
  • Newsfeed with 15 different sources
  • Fiat to crypto and crypto to crypto conversion calculator

The 15 cryptocurrencies covered are:

  • BC/BLK – Blackcoin
  • BTC – Bitcoin
  • DRK – Darkcoin
  • DOGE – DogeCoin
  • FTC – Feathercoin
  • LTC – Litecoin
  • MEC – Megacoin
  • NAUT – NautiliusCoin
  • NMC – Namecoin
  • NXT – NeXTCoin
  • PPC – Peercoin
  • PTS – ProtoShares
  • WDC – WorldCoin
  • XPM – PrimeCoin

You can download the iPhone version from the iTunes store here:

We caught up with Ken Feldman, co-founder and CEO of BlockStreet and asked about the genesis of BlockStreet. “It started in December 2013 over lunch with my friend Brock Pierce, a noted Bitcoin startup investor. He came up with the original idea.”

It appears that they aren’t stopping at just one app as the two originally planned, and more like a whole “avenue” if you will.

We’ve adjusted from being a media property to focus more on building a suite of online and mobile data and information apps and services. Our mission is to give people who are interested in digital currency the best possible tools to rapidly gather knowledge and make informed decisions.

They are working very hard to continually improve current products with features and tools that people will love.

Our goal is to ALWAYS be developing and improving. We’re on a one to two week product cycle, which is about as fast as you can go with the Apple store, and we’re never going to stop.

Now before the Android users get jealous, they’re working on that too, and you should be seeing it soon on Google Play.

We’re working on the Android version as well, which we should be testing in the next 60 days. The web version of our service coming out soon as well.

If you’d like to be one of the first to get the Android version you can sign up to be notified at

Currently price and news information is gathered through publicly available API data, but according to Ken, BlockStreet will soon have some proprietary data sources coming online.

Ken shares a vision that many Bitcoin enthusiasts (such as myself) can agree with. Bitcoin is an emerging technology, not just the coin itself. The blockchain can be used for many different purposes, and some people are even experimenting with decentralized file storage, or even a decentralized internet like with MaidSafeCoin.

Bitcoin, the digital currency space, blockchain technology? I feel like its 1992 again. There is a huge potential for these new technologies to completely transform the world. I’m just grateful I have an opportunity to be here near the beginning.

Below are some screenshots courtesy of Ken to give you a preview of BlockStreet.

BlockStreet Price Screen BlockStreet News Screen_Bitcoinist view 2  BlockStreet News Sceen_Bitcoinist