Indian Mining Company Becomes Sponsor of Botswana Blockchain and Bitcoin Summit

An India based company Power Hashing Solutions has joined the sponsors of the Botswana Blockchain & Bitcoin Summit that is scheduled for November 25-26.
An India based company Power Hashing Solutions has joined the sponsors of the Botswana Blockchain & Bitcoin Summit that is scheduled for November 25-26.

An India based company Power Hashing Solutions has joined the sponsors of the Botswana Blockchain & Bitcoin Summit that is scheduled for November 25-26. The summit will be the first of its kind in Africa.

Power Hashing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an India based cryptocurrency mining, exchange and trading company. Other summit sponsors are HardBTC, PlayBetr and Bitland.

Alakanani ‘Motherpky’Itireleng, Director of the Satoshi Centre, the organizer of the summit, says:

“It’s overwhelming to see people from all over the world supporting this event. For instance HardBTC has been with us from the word go supporting us all the way, and now Power Hashing is on board. The feeling is indescribable. There are those moments you feel can I really do it? Then Power Hashing comes on board and hold my hand to say don’t give up, we are with you every step of the way. If Africa can know Bitcoin and Blockchain we will see how beautiful this technology is and how much of our problems could be solved with this technology. I will forever be indebted to all our sponsors from bronze to platinum”

Power Hashing

Power Hashing Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a team of crypto currency experts, entrepreneurs, business professionals, network marketers, and programming developers who have united to offer a very simple business model around a very complex industry. Their focus is to help educate, provide services for, protect and profit from technology combined with a global platform to earn cryptocurrency.

Currently Power Hashing is working on the cryptocurrency Asiadigicoin.  They are promoting this new digital currency with a marketing campaign and share pre-mined coins with people who are helping to develop its community.  

Abhishek Bhandari, Power Hashing’s Founder explained to Cointelegraph how his company is focused on bringing change in the market: 

"Cryptocurrency is the best form of money the human race has ever experienced, and we at Power Hashing have the motto to bring real financial freedom to the lives of common men. We have a vision to bring change in the lives of the people who choose to be part of our community. "

Abhiskek explains why Power Hashing has decided to sponsor the summit: 

“Team Power Hashing is super excited to be part of this Summit. We promote and support all ventures that take the initiative to help people to learn about the Blockchain and Crytocurrency. Moreover, we want to use this opportunity and platform to introduce Asiadigicoin to the world, and how we are working aggressively to make it the next successful digital currency.”