IBM Blockchain Focuses On Music Rights Protection In New Trial

A group of international music rights distributors have joined forces in a Blockchain project which they say “tackle long-standing issues.”
A group of international music rights distributors have joined forces in a Blockchain project which they say “tackle long-standing issues.”

IBM Blockchain, the business enterprise solution based on Hyperledger, has received its latest implementation in music copyright protection.

"A group of three rights distributors, ASCAP from the US, France’s SACEM and UK-based PRS have joined forces to explore how Blockchain can improve the industry."

Specifically, a Blockchain system is already being built that would handle “links between music recordings International Standard Recording Codes (ISRCs) and music work International Standard Work Codes (ISWCs)” according to industry magazine Music Business Worldwide.

Jean-Noël Tronc, SACEM’s Chief Executive Officer, commented:

“Through this partnership, we aim to develop new Blockchain-based technologies that will tackle a long-standing issue with music industry metadata a problem that has grown more acute as online music rights distribution has become increasingly decentralized with the rise in digital channels.”

Diverse industries

Blockchain has seen previous implementations in the music business, also with the aim of securing artists’ rights in various forms.

In February, a London-based tech company JAAK announced the Ethereum and Swarm-backed Blockchain META Project, enabling organizations to capture, store, verify and communicate commercial metadata.

“There are a variety of initiatives driving the conversation and they each have their own ideas on how and where Blockchain fits,” campaign manager Matt Brinkworth told Cointelegraph at the time.

IBM Blockchain meanwhile is itself seeing considerable interest, from diverse industries such as the US oil trade.