How To Find Sponsors That Will Pay You To Travel Using Only Bitcoin

In the previous article we discussed how to plan a “bitcoin only” travel. Today you will learn how to find sponsors for your journey and actually travel for free.
In the previous article we discussed how to plan a “bitcoin only” travel. Today you will learn how to find sponsors for your journey and actually travel for free.

In the previous article we discussed how to plan a “bitcoin only” travel. Today you will learn how to find sponsors for your journey and actually travel for free.


The easiest way to find money for your trip is to create a media-project. A media-project is an advertising campaign for any kind of organization. In affect, you offer to help a business generate PR, and in return they give you the money for your travel. A large number of  YouTube vloggers find sponsors for their channels and if you already have a decent social media following you can use it to your advantage. But if you don’t have a large following, don’t worry, you still can find a sponsor.

First, you need to give your project a name. I called my media-project "CP!PTO Travel." Also, it is best if the name of your project has its own social networking accounts so your initiative is more recognizable.

Second, you should prepare two things: an email and a presentation. Never send a presentation without an introductory email.

Your presentation should be colorful and contain basic information for sponsors:

  • Your resume with experience and technical skills;
  • A list of  group members and their profiles (if applicable);
  • The list of services that you can provide in exchange for sponsorship and how it will be possible to evaluate the results;
  • The route of your trip and how much money you need

You can offer your sponsor anything you wish in return for their support. As an example, you can offer your sponsor a parachute jump wearing their company’s logo. It doesn’t really matter. The main thing is that your proposal must be interesting. As for me, I wrote 60 mini-articles for Facebook. For my sponsor it was the equivalent of hiring a content manager for two months.

Send your proposals to potential sponsors

Many Bitcoin conferences and cryptocurrency events are held worldwide throughout the year. And each event has its own sponsors. Just find them and send your proposal. You have to think about who might also be interested in the PR of traveling solely on bitcoin.

Draw up a contract

If you managed to find a sponsor for your Bitcoin trip – congratulations! Now you need to sign a contract with the company.

The contract must have the following conditions:

  • Who is involved in this deal;
  • Terms of cooperation;
  • Your signature and the signature of the governing person in the company

These are the basic steps in creating a media-project to receive money, but understand that results may vary. Your success depends on your patience and perseverance.


Finding bitcoins for travel is not difficult. The main task is searching for sponsors. Do not give up if you do not receive responses to your proposals immediately. Stay flexible and adjust your presentation as needed. The Bitcoin community is open to unconventional solutions. Good luck!