How Invictus Capital Is Reshaping the Landscape of Cryptocurrency Investing

Lacking the expertise and knowledge to effectively navigate these headwinds, investors often find themselves mired in uncertainty. It is here where blockchain
Lacking the expertise and knowledge to effectively navigate these headwinds, investors often find themselves mired in uncertainty. It is here where blockchain
- How Invictus Capital Is Reshaping the Landscape of Cryptocurrency Investing

Lacking the expertise and knowledge to effectively navigate these headwinds, investors often find themselves mired in uncertainty. It is here where blockchain technology and the distributed tracking of crypto assets are receiving a wealth of attention. Use cases are emerging in this space, reshaping the landscape for how investors interact with the world of traditional finance. 

At the forefront of this movement is the Invictus Hyperion Fund (IHF), a tokenized syndicated venture capital fund designed to provide token holders with a diversified portfolio of early stage investment opportunities in the blockchain industry. The fund achieves this by forming strategic partnerships with some of the most talented blockchain entrepreneurs and visionaries, supporting them with both the financial backing and essential connections needed to deliver successful projects.

In delivering a new model for the burgeoning digital asset milieu, Invictus pivots off of the success of CRYPTO20 — the first tokenized cryptocurrency index fund. Invictus aims to offer an array of cost-effective data-science backed funds and through Invictus’s fresh approach, third parties and middlemen whose fees siphon a portion of investor profits are removed.

Promising Next Steps

In a move that has been hailed as a significant development in Invictus’s forward trajectory, the company recently announced that its Hyperion Fund has made a significant early round (MVP stage) investment in Quantfury, a next-generation trading platform.

Quantfury contributes to this value proposition by letting users enjoy zero-fee trading in cryptocurrencies and traditional capital markets. Highlighted here is Quantfury’s smart contract solution, which trustlessly facilitates cryptocurrency deposits for leverage trading collateral. This enables users to execute trades that are transparent, seamless and carry zero fees.

The IHF token was successfully listed on several exchanges in September of 2018. The fund aspires to develop other strategic partnerships like the one with Quantfury, with other blockchain enterprises and visionaries. It is committed to assisting these collaborators with both financial support and connections to support their ongoing project development efforts.

By utilizing the IHF token, users gain access to well-vetted investments connected to initial coin offerings (ICOs) and private and public presale markets. Invictus's data-focused methodology guides this fund to target key growth opportunities in the blockchain technology space. 

Daniel Schwartzkopff, the CEO of Invictus Capital, hails from South Africa, where he has had success as a business executive and serial entrepreneur, having founded several venture capital-backed companies. He is sanguine about Invictus’s rapidly developing model, citing transparency and collaboration as foundational elements of the company’s core philosophy. 

Capital Raise Fuels Forward Advancement

Asked about Invictus’s progress over the past six months, Schwartzkopff cited the company’s launch of the Invictus Hyperion Fund on May 30, where 4,500 participants secured over $11 million. He believes this is a clear sign of the market’s support for the Hyperion Fund’s concept with investor groups across the globe. 

With respect to investors who may have missed out on the ICO, the token is now listed on both the and IDEX exchanges.

Schwartzkopff is also excited about the development of Perseus, an end-to-end ICO raise platform, using the technology from the successful ICOs of CRYPTO20 and Hyperion. He described Perseus as a customizable platform that is designed to integrate into any existing sale website for the purpose of facilitating user account creation and multi-currency investment with full know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) risk processes built in. The platform raises funds directly to cold storage, ensuring that the ICO founders receive funds directly and securely; it is also able to generate and distribute tokens to participants.

“A competitively priced and secure ICO raise platform has been lacking in the nascent crypto-asset industry,” Schwartzkopff said. “The Perseus platform was made available to help ensure the success of projects invested in through the Hyperion venture capital fund; the platform is now available (subject to certain qualifying criteria) for teams looking to run an ICO.”

In addition to the aforementioned support of Quantfury through the Hyperion Fund, Schwartzkopff cited key strategic investments in a number of other projects including Noia Network, DAV Network, Lightstreams, Menlo One, Wemark, Gamedex, Equiti Games, Quantfury and Stackr.

“The fund’s token, IHF, is already listed on exchanges, alongside other Invictus products such as C20 (CRYPTO20) and, as the fund’s value continues to grow, we look forward to the first buy-and-burn protocol being executed,” Schwartzkopff said. 

And Invictus Capital still has lofty goals for the end of 2018.

“The successful launch of Equiti Games and Gamedex utilizing Perseus raise technology is one thing we plan to accomplish, along with the finalization of the fiat-in regulated funds that we currently have under construction,” Schwartzkopff said. “Finally, the launch of the new Invictus Capital website that fully expands upon our offerings will represent another important milestone and critical piece to our long-term vision to aggregate superior returns from the investments made.”

Note: Trading and investing in digital assets is speculative and can be high risk. Based on the shifting business and regulatory environment of such a new industry, this content should not be considered investment or legal advice.