Global Currency, Global Tour!

What excites the Bitcoin community and additionally expands the Bitcoin usership base? Conferences! This year while Bitcoin conferences abound, Mediabistro
What excites the Bitcoin community and additionally expands the Bitcoin usership base? Conferences! This year while Bitcoin conferences abound, Mediabistro
Op-ed - Global Currency

What excites the Bitcoin community and additionally expands the Bitcoin usership base? Conferences! This year while Bitcoin conferences abound, Mediabistro will be taking a world tour with conferences kicking off in Berlin, Germany; New York City; Hong Kong, China; London, England; and Las Vegas, Nevada. This past year, Mediabistro put on conferences in New York City and Las Vegas and drew crowds from within and outside of the Bitcoin community. Bitcoin Magazine is proud to serve as a media partner for several of the upcoming conferences.

For starters, Berlin serves as one of the lead Bitcoin communities in Europe. With the Bitcoin Exchange Berlin and the Kreuzberg section of Berlin with numerous brick and mortar businesses accepting Bitcoin, Germany has served as an example of a strong and diverse Bitcoin community. Conference speakers include members of the German Bitcoin community.

Mediabistro issued the following press release:

Mediabistro's Inside Bitcoins Conference is going on a World Tour in 2014

Inside Bitcoins recently took place in Las Vegas on December 10-11, 2013 and drew over 1,500 attendees from all over the world. Mediabistro announced that it will be taking theInside Bitcoins Conference on a World Tour in 2014. On February 12-13 Inside Bitcoins will make its first stop inBerlin, Germany.

Attendees will hear from industry experts including Aaron Koenig, Managing Director of Bitfilm and Organizer of Bitcoin Exchange Berlin; Malcolm CasSelle, CEO of Timeline Labs; Jaron Lukasiewicz, CEO of Coinsetter; Bobby Lee, CEO and Co-Founder of BTC China; Oliver Flaskamper, Managing Director of Bitcoin Germany; and Steve Beauregard, CEO & Founder of the full speaker list.

Inside Bitcoins brings together developers, entrepreneurs, experts from the financial sector, investors, banks and financial institutions, payment processors and Bitcoin enthusiasts! The program is designed to provide an overview of where the virtual currency industry is today, and a panel of top venture capitalists will discuss what business opportunities are on the horizon.Register here to make sure you reserve your spot at Inside Bitcoins in Berlin!

Mediabistro will soon announce firm dates for additional events taking place in 2014 inNew York City; Hong Kong, China; London, England; and Las Vegas, Nevada.