Garbage escalate meme warfare with “The Oscars” showdown, eyeing Pepe’s turf

Garbage is ready to storm the memecoin world with a bold anti-hero meme coin going live on October 25 at 1 PM EST
Garbage is ready to storm the memecoin world with a bold anti-hero meme coin going live on October 25 at 1 PM EST

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – Garbage is ready to storm the memecoin world with a bold anti-hero meme coin going live on October 25 at 1 PM EST.

As the world descends into a cesspool of dysfunction, Garbage is here to call out the garbage attitudes, opinions, and decisions we’re being force-fed in the world today.

Alpha signals are strong – boasting a pre-launch alliance with crypto influencer Fxnction. Interest from premium KOLs shows all signs of a PEPE-styled takeoff.

Garbage will streak out to market with a packed performance strategy. A foul-mouthed mascot, Oscar, with an origin story, easter egg clues, and cliffhanger reveals will drive adoption through the largest crypto meme channel in the world – boasting 1.4M TikTok followers.

Community members will have the chance to play with a meme-machine, and memequest Discord enforcing a fully developed roadmap ready to grow at scale.

Moreover, Garbage is launching a back-alley take on the “Oscars” Awards: a meme-hard win-hard competition with a whopping USDT $100,000 prize pool. Rewarding winning memes in topical categories – calling out the growing bull$hit – from Low Blows to Government and Dating to Crypto Bros.

Join the presale on October 25th and get your meme game ready. It’s time to bin-invest into the presale showdown by joining the Telegram or the Website linked below.

For media inquiries or more information, please contact:

Oscar, CEO

[email protected]


Tiktok: @buygarbage_


X: @buygarbage