Galactica Network releases its public devnet to disrupt compliant privacy RegTech

Galactica Network is a layer-1 solution with the most flexible RegTech stack and DeSoc primitives.
Galactica Network is a layer-1 solution with the most flexible RegTech stack and DeSoc primitives. has announced the launch of its public devnet. The team behind the platform invites developers, blockchain enthusiasts and early adopters to join the devnet and experience Galactica Network’s tech stack first-hand.

The protocol’s devnet offers users the chance to get acquainted with the pivotal technology at the heart of Galactica Network: zero-knowledge KYC (zkKYC) that enables Web3 firms to achieve regulatory compliance without compromising user privacy. Setting the stage for regtech interoperability, Galactica Network seeks to provide a rich substrate for new instruments at the intersection of DeFi and TradFi, and offer better alternatives to the way identity and reputation are handled off- and on-chain.

Developers ready to dive into Galactica Network’s framework can find detailed documentation here. This contains comprehensive release notes, dev docs and guides.

This devnet is an early version of Galactica Network. The team is eagerly seeking feedback and suggestions to improve and evolve the platform, thereby ensuring the best possible on-chain experience for its users. Mark Berger, a co-founder of Galactica Network, noted:

“As a founder of Galactica, I am proud to unveil our public devnet, a gateway to a new era of compliant privacy in the blockchain space. With zero-knowledge KYC at its core, Galactica Network disrupts the RegTech landscape, providing a rich substrate for DeFi and TradFi convergence. Join us on this revolutionary journey, where identity and reputation find harmony on and off the chain.”

Users can deploy applications that utilize zkKYC on the Galactica devnet. Additionally, the team is currently accepting Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Rewards include Galactica Network Citizenships, grants and more. More information is available here.

Come be a part of the revolutionary blockchain experience that’s set to transform the Web3 space. Join Galactica Network’s devnet.

About Galactica Network

Galactica Network is a layer-1 solution with the most flexible RegTech stack and DeSoc primitives. By leveraging zkKYC, dynamic whitelisting primitives and proofs over users’ Web3 footprints, it achieves a strong form of Sybil resistance and enables protocol-level, compliant privacy.

Press contact

Galactica Network

Mike Sarvodaya

Panama City, Panama