From Tokyo With Love: Mt. Gox Sends Out Bankruptcy Details Through Snail Mail

MtGox's postcards
MtGox's postcards

Did you get “Goxxed” back in the day? If you had money in the once prolific, now shuttered and bankrupt exchange, you might be getting a postcard from Japan shortly with details regarding the plans for the remaining bitcoins.

Users on Reddit have been posting images of a postcard sent to them from Mt. Gox's bankruptcy trustee in Japan, Nobuaki Kobayashi. There is very little new information contained in the letter, which has both Japanese and English translations. But, it does contain a unique ID number that will be critical for former Gox customers looking to recoup some of the funds that were lost when the exchange went down. The card also includes information on when the former customers can begin filing their claims.

The period for filing claims does seem unusually short (admittedly, I am not an expert on Japanese bankruptcy claims). According to the postcard, users will have until November 28, 2014 to file a claim. There will also be a creditors meeting held in Tokyo on July 23, although attendance obviously isn't mandatory.

Further details will come sometime after that July 23 meeting and will be posted onto Mt. Gox's website. The postcard does include contact details but stresses that due to the large number of Mt. Gox creditors, they will be unable to respond to all requests. They ask that creditors to wait for the first FAQ to be posted before sending questions.

Users from all over the world, including the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan have reported getting post cards. They are likely coming out in batches, so if you were “Goxxed” but haven't seen yours yet, don't panic but do keep an eye out for it.

Mt. Gox was once the largest exchange in the Bitcoin world. It shutdown in February after claiming to have lost a cache of bitcoins valued at over $US 400 Million at the time due to a hack. Many have doubted the hacking claim and an additional 200,000 bitcoins were discovered in wallets Mt. Gox said it had “forgotten” about. Those coins, along with any potential value derived from selling the Mt. Gox name, make up the vast majority of Mt. Gox's assets.