Free NYC Bitcoin Festival gets Stimulating Support

Bitcoin sponsored music festival
Bitcoin sponsored music festival

A pioneering Bitcoin-funded music festival in New York is refunding concertgoers‘ 10$ tickets as a deluge of funding allowed it to cover its costs and then some. 

The event, jointly organised by Bitcoin Center NYC and the Ross Mintzer Band, will be free to everyone, with priority given to those registering attendance on Facebook beforehand. 
Co-director Ross Minzter said in a press release for the event, “We’re grateful to offer this musical and cultural experience at no charge due to the generosity and strong interest of our sponsors.” 
Bitcoin buzz 
While describing the one-night event at Bitcoin Center NYC as a festival may be stretching the term somewhat, interest has been strong with almost 200 confirmed participants on its Facebook page as of 1 May. 
Aside from concerts, the main effort on the night will be to showcase Bitcoin innovation to the public, with creators of various tools on hand to educate participants about digital currency and its implementation in everyday life. 
Other attractions will also be available, and the event could well prove to be something of a talking point, as one of the highest contributing sponsors is the New York Museum of Sex. Monster Energy Drink is providing free beverages to the crowd, which will no doubt add to the hype. 
“Our sponsors have displayed tremendous support for the high degree of artistry and inclusion we have aimed for since we conceptualized the event,” Mintzer added. 
The music industry has been relatively unreceptive to digital currency but this year is set to change the landscape considerably. Cointelegraph recently published a summary of 2014 music festivals and open airs accepting Bitcoin, with events all over the world embracing the concept of decentralization as a supportive element of festival culture. 
“No to corporate sponsors, corporate logos and VIPs, yes to independence, solidarity and creativity” reads the slogan of Boom Festival, one event to accept Bitcoin which will take place in August. 
While mass integration of cryptocurrency with music is still a long way off, events such as these are small steps to changing public perception and demonstrating both their safety and usability.