Follow-up: Cyprus issues arrest warrant for Bitcoin Entrepreneur, Danny Brewster

Cyprus issues arrest warrant for Danny Brewst
Cyprus issues arrest warrant for Danny Brewst

Today, the embattled CEO of Neo & Bee, Danny Brewster, went to reddit to refute accusations of fraud and embezzlement, which led to the Cypriot police issuing a warrant for his arrest last Friday. 

Posting under the pseudonym of ‘cryptocyprus,’ Brewster described the charges of fraud brought against him as “baffling.” He rebutted that he simply took Bitcoins from his customers explaining that he had not received one single request nor was he provided with any addresses by the individuals who bought the coins from him so he could transfer them the funds. The amount in question was also contrary to statement made by the media as he clarified that the combined total was € 35,213.57 in contrast to the € £85,000 worth of bitcoins, as reported by The Daily Mail. 
As far as the police charges are concerned, Brewster claims that he had tried to contact them numerous times without a getting as much as a callback or a single response. 
“Here is a message to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Cypriot Police: Answer your phone or check your emails!!!!” wrote Brewster. 
He claims that he provided contact information by email to the Cyprus police as well as media outlets such as the Cyprus Mail and assumes that their silence on the matter is proof of a conspiracy against him and Bitcoin in general: 
“my greatest fears are true that they are doing nothing more than trying to set me up on charges to discredit both myself and Bitcoin as a whole, whilst creating more fear about challenging the status-quo.” 
Brewster officially left Cyprus temporarily to raise funds for his company. In the post, he clarified that he plans to return to Cyprus shortly and resolve the matters around Neo & Bee. As far as his Bentley that he purchased and imported to the recession-hit Island nation back in December goes, he asserted that “I still plan on selling the car to put the money towards satisfying creditors.” 
The reddit community reaction varied with many accusing him of ”crying crocodile tears” while others showed gratitude for the response to others questioning the true identity of the poster urging ‘cryptocyprus’ to provide proof by posting his ID and BTC addresses. 
The cointelegraph will continue following and report on this story as it develops.