Having recently reached its seed-round fundraising goal of $1 million on Bnk to the Future with Factom Inc., their sister entity the Factom Foundation has now launched a Release Candidate One (RC1), a critical step for launching the Factom network.
In a blog post on the Factom site, the company is calling on developers and interested participants to join their efforts to help test and debug the beta client in advance of making it available to the broader community. Beta will be released once the release candidate passes all necessary tests and meets all the requirements set out in Factom’s Milestone 1.
According to the blog, Factoids — the Factom currency used to purchase Entry Credits — will become tradable on Cryptsy and ShapeShift initially, with the release of the beta Factom client and the launch of the Factom network. More exchanges will be added down the line. Early contributors and purchasers of Factoids will have access to them once the genesis block has been created, which is part of beta.
Anyone interested in participating in testing the beta client can email Factom for more information or to be included on the developer Skype channel.

Images courtesy of Factom