Exorde Protocol: Revolutionizing e-reputation

Social networks like Facebook were initially designed to connect people together
Social networks like Facebook were initially designed to connect people together

Social networks like Facebook were initially designed to connect people together. But today, these platforms hold much more importance in our daily routines than simply allowing us to communicate with one another. 

Social media is a gold mine when it comes to data analysis. Through services like Twitter’s paid API, which gives you privileged access to user data on Twitter, or strategies such as Cambridge Analytica’s use of Facebook to improperly obtain users’ personal information on behalf of political clients, social media now holds a very important role within our modern societies. 

However, social media is not as decentralized in its adoption as we would want it to be. For example, the USA and Japan hold Twitter’s biggest user base. Concerning Facebook, the USA and India are the top two countries to use the platform.

And this is where things get interesting… 

Information segmentation becomes very apparent when you follow social network adoption per country. According to Similarweb, Russia’s number one social network is vk.com — Russia’s version of Facebook. Similarly, China also has its own version of Twitter called Weibo. And let’s not get started on geo-locked social network platforms like Truth Social, which is only accessible to Canadian and USA-based users.

In short, this means that you are not getting the full scope of the picture when browsing through a single social network. The full scope of the information that would be relevant to your search is scattered across many platforms, in many languages and far out of your reach. 

Enter Exorde, a new protocol that intends to change precisely that. 

Exorde is a decentralized community-driven protocol that extracts how people feel about various subjects all over the web in real-time, regardless of language and location. 

Exorde leverages an active community of over 70,000 contributors to collect and analyze public information all over the web. This data can be used to power several promising applications, such as a Bitcoin price predictor with over 60% accuracy!

With over 30 transactions per second, Exorde processes millions of unique URLs daily and delivers top-tier live sentiment analysis on client-defined subjects. In so doing, Exorde aims to establish itself as the layer 1 for e-reputation worldwide.

Interested in becoming a contributor on Exorde and running a node on the protocol? Head over here: https://docs.exorde.network/ 

Do you want to own Exorde (EXD) tokens? 

Exorde’s token sale is live!

Head over here to get your EXD tokens: https://sale.exorde.network/ 

Public Sale Website: https://sale.exorde.network/

Official Website: https://exorde.network/ 

White paper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/60aec7ee1888490c4031cbcd/63d7dff65fc5c9f3f2633470_Exorde_Whitepaper_2023.pdf 

Discord: https://discord.gg/ExordeLabs 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExordeLabs 

Telegram: http://t.me/exorde 

Explorer: https://explorer.exorde.network/ 

DApp: https://exorde.io/bitcoin