Eurus official launched node stake beta test, minted over 187,500 EUN

Eurus Wallet (download version only — iOS, Android) has opened its node staking test. Wallet users (Eurian) can apply via their Eurus Wallet.
Eurus Wallet (download version only — iOS, Android) has opened its node staking test. Wallet users (Eurian) can apply via their Eurus Wallet.

Eurus Wallet (download version only — iOS, Android) has opened its node staking test. Wallet users (Eurian) can apply via their Eurus Wallet. 

The testing version is mainly focused on the node smart contract execution. It is divided into two phases to ensure the block minting time accuracy and whole node staking protocol, which includes node reserve contract.

  • Block minting accuracy: Each block time is about two to three seconds and each validated block mints 3 EUN and is transferred to all public nodes smart contract.
  • Node staking protocol: All public nodes stake period and distribution priority. For transparent minted EUN by each created block, the whole algometric and distribution process will be executed by a smart contract. For the public, everyone can monitor the whole distribution status by node status.
  • Node reserve smart contract: Transfer and lock up all undistributed EUN from the public nodes smart contract, which is caused by the capacity of the node stake number being insufficient. The node-reserved EUN arrangement will further discuss with the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) community.

1st phase (Node name: Early bird) — At this initial testing phase, the first 100,000 smart custodial Eurus blockchain addresses are limited to the participants. The objective for this stage is not only to monitor the mentioned block minting accuracy and node staking protocol execution but also targeting to collect the wallet UX feedback from users. There is no EUN staking quantity requirement, it is absent of node representative, and no node tips are attached.

2nd phase (Node name: Pre-launching) — During this testing period, Eurus focuses on the staking protocol and the node reserve smart contract execution accuracy. The testing result will be elevated and finalized to the official node stake version. All kinds of Ethereum addresses are welcome to be tested via import wallet addresses or create a new one by Eurus Wallet. Participants can get EUN at the asset page and then stake to this node to gain a validated block reward. Like the early bird node, it is absent of node representative and no node tips are attached.

Testing timeline

1st phase: 

  • Waiting list: Oct. 7, 2022–Oct. 28, 2022
  • Estimated reward block number: 13,608,704 to 14,904,703
  • Estimated reward period: Oct. 28, 2022–Nov. 27, 2022

2nd phase:

  • Waiting list: Oct. 28, 2022–Nov. 27, 2022
  • Estimated reward block number: 14,904,704 to 16,200,703
  • Estimated reward period: Nov. 27, 2022–Dec. 27, 2022

During the beta testing period, no gas fee is required to get EUN or node staking. Eurus also launching a referral scheme for its existing users to invite their friends to be part of testing.

Eurus official node staking details:

There are nine public nodes for EUN hodlers among 21 nodes. Each public node has an 8 million-EUN staking capacity. Once the public node’s representative is occupied, it will open to the public to stake. They can set the node name and node tips according to their preference. Every node shares the block reward evenly. 

As node representatives suggest the change of network and the other EUN hodlers can vote on those suggestions to realize the DAO blockchain network. Therefore, the representative must qualify by PPoC, which is according to their contribution to the network. 

The estimated launch date will be in Q1 2023.

Block reward

The block reward will be halved by every 63 million blocks, estimated for about four years. After the Eurus mainnet was deployed, over 20 million EUN was already minted and stored in the node reserve smart contract. Eurus will implement a discussion with node representatives and take suggestions for letting EUN hodlers vote for the reserve arrangement. The voting discussion meeting is scheduled after the launch of the official node stake. 

Project roadmap Q4 2022–Q2 2023:

  • Multi-wallet for supporting BNB Chain and Bitcoin addresses.
  • Node staking by PPoC.
  • Cross-chain asset management bridge.
  • Execute the first community voting event.
  • Decentralized application (DApp) incubation program.

Community benefit updated:

A referral scheme and influencer incentive program are launching along with the node testing period.

About Eurus

Eurus is a layer-1 blockchain that uses a proof-of-authority consensus mechanism. It is an open-source blockchain protocol based on Hyperledger technology with industry-leading cross-chain transaction speed and a flexible network. Our interoperability architecture is one of the most critical infrastructures to reach a prosperous future in the blockchain industry.

The purpose of Eurus, a cross-chain solution, is to solve the other layer-1 blockchain, which faced slow transaction speed and fluctuating gas fees.

To learn more about the Eurus project, please visit its website.

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