eBay CEO John Donahoe Is Bullish On Digital Currency, And He’s Keeping Tabs On Bitcoin

It is evident that Bitcoin has become very popular by nowadays- we remember about Winklevoss Twins and Chamath Palihapitiya’s experience in financial sphere-but, nevertheless, Bitcoin is still not practically used by many people.
It is evident that Bitcoin has become very popular by nowadays- we remember about Winklevoss Twins and Chamath Palihapitiya’s experience in financial sphere-but, nevertheless, Bitcoin is still not practically used by many people.

It is evident that Bitcoin has become very popular by nowadays- we remember about Winklevoss Twins and Chamath Palihapitiya’s experience in financial sphere-but, nevertheless, Bitcoin is still not practically used by many people.

It is meaningful to suppose that with a help of one popular title or brand, Bitcoin will become more recognizable. Therefore, during some moths, worshippers of Bi?coin tried to find out, whether eBay would ready to support them or not. It easy to understand why-when Financial times took interview from CEO of eBay, John Danahoe , John mentioned that eBay is interested in Bircoin and supposed that some months or years later, Birocin may become very influential currency.

It is meaningful to agree with the fact that Dobahoe’s words that eBay is looking after Bitcoin is “far from a ringing endorsement for the crypto currency”, but its is not the first time, when we can hear such kind of talks about Bitcoin. According to his interview with Wall Street Journal in April 2013, eBay was examining Bitcoin in more depth and it is possible to find methods to put Bitcoin support into PayPal. And president of PayPal, David Marcus, is also may be interested in Bitcoin, and as it is seen from his several talks about Bitcoin, this type of digital currency has an opportunity to be embarced.

Although, there is a concern that improved attitude of users towards Bitcoin may lead to reduced demand for PayPal, an implicit cooperation of eBay and Bitcoin should not be so disputable. Actually, if Bitcoin will be supported by eBay, the latter can expand its influence area (get more markets), and the former’s users, in their turn, could get one more channel, where they can use this currency. And PayPal, taking into accounts its background and systems of backings, based on escrow, could become a good intermediary for deals of Bitcoin, that may reduce Bitcoin users’ concerns and provide with simplified process of interaction between the players.

eBay’s enthusiasm about Bitcoin promises not to end so soon. Recently, in September on the official blog of eBay, there was noticed a post of the following content: “What’s the deal with Bitcoins anyway?”. It did not bring a lot of discussions, but it is evident that the company considered this question quite meaningful to guarantee emergence of YouTube video, explaining what can be considered as one of the most layman-friendly Bitcoin’s meanings. This video, uploaded by user with B Sil nickname, who have never used this account again argued that it was “brought to you by eBay Deals”.

Just in the future it will be evident, either eBay decides to support eBay, or not, or what would be reaction of the Bitcoin users toward this support. In the case, if eBay can’t be involved in the process of Bitocin legalization, the amount of money, essential to make Bitcoin open for buyers and sellers will account for $9 million.

While, ther? are more and more funs of Bitcoin appear, there is an increasing necessity in other online shopping and there a range of options today. Now, BitPay, as a processor of Bitcoin, overstepped 10,000 merchant mark –point ( the largest amount of whom are located the USA), and seekers of a little bit more eBay-like purchasing experience very often move to websites, like Bitmit.