Dorian Nakamoto refutes Newsweek story outing him as Bitcoin creator

Dorian Nakamoto tells who he is, or not
Dorian Nakamoto tells who he is, or not

Dorian Nakamoto, in a statement released via his attorney, has said that he “unconditionally” denies Newsweek’s story the identifies him as the creator of Bitcoin.


“My name is Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto,” the statement reads. “I am the subject of the Newsweek story on Bitcoin. I am writing this statement to clear my name.



“I did not create, invent or otherwise work on Bitcoin. I unconditionally deny the Newsweek report.”



Last public statement



This is Dorian Nakamoto’s second statement since the story broke. Ten days ago, he also told an Associated Press reporter, “I got nothing to do with it.” (Nakamoto, in fact, referred to Bitcoin as “Bitcom” in his interview the the AP, which was later noted in the statement.)



Nakamoto says in this statement that this will be his last public mention of the ordeal, which has clearly caused stress for him and his family.



“My prospects for gainful employment has been harmed because of Newsweek’s article,” the statement reads. “Newsweek’s false report has been the source of a great deal of confusion and stress for myself, my 93-year-old mother, my siblings, and their families.”



Reuters journalist Felix Salmon released Nakamoto’s statement just after midnight Monday morning Eastern US time.



The full text of the statement can be read here.


