Dimitra awarded World Web3 & Blockchain Entrepreneurship Award

Web3 & Blockchain World and the Blockchain Research Institute have selected Dimitra as their industry solution entrepreneurship award winner
Web3 & Blockchain World and the Blockchain Research Institute have selected Dimitra as their industry solution entrepreneurship award winner

Web3 & Blockchain World and the Blockchain Research Institute have selected Dimitra as their industry solution entrepreneurship award winner.

December 8th, 20222, Belize City, BelizeDimitra Incorporated, a blockchain-based agriculture technology (AgTech) platform that provides real utility to farmers all over the world, is the winner of the Web3 & Blockchain World’s 2022 Web3 & Transformation Award for blockchain entrepreneurship in the industry solutions subcategory!

Dimitra’s CEO and founder, Jon Trask, says:

“We are so excited to share that Dimitra Incorporated is the winner of the W3B & Blockchain World 2022 Entrepreneurship Award in the Industry Solutions Category! Such amazing recognition for our team and community. Special thanks to Don Tapscott, Alex Tapscott and the Blockchain Research Institute and MCI teams for putting on a world-class event. Thank you to all of the Dimitra Technology team members. We couldn’t have done it without you!”

Web3 & Blockchain Transformation Awards

The Web3 & Blockchain Transformation Awards (formerly known as the Enterprise Blockchain Awards) recognize the leaders, researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs and service providers driving global blockchain transformation.

Now in their fourth year, they recorded a record-breaking number of nominees. The W3B Awards judging panel had shortlisted 35 finalists in 11 award categories. One of the factors the judging panel took into account is the measurable difference the organizations are making within their ecosystems and across industries.

This award aims to recognize startup companies or technology projects delivering innovative blockchain applications, protocols or platforms that address blockchain implementation challenges in business, government and nonprofit contexts.

At the W3B Awards Gala in Toronto on Nov. 9, 2022, Dimitra was announced as the winner of the Web3 & Blockchain World 2022 Entrepreneurship Award in the Industry Solutions subcategory.

Leading the global transformation in agriculture with technology

Dimitra’s platforms (Connected Farmer, Dimitra Livestock Guru and Connected Coffee) are built on blockchain technology and incorporate mobile technology, machine learning, Internet of Things devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research. Dimitra’s data-driven approach helps farmers increase yield, reduce expenses and mitigate risk.

Dimitra’s mission is to address and solve food security and food traceability issues, increase food sustainability and provide more sustainable farming methods, and improve the economic status and lives of small farmers across the world. Dimitra is a highly inclusive organization with a broad reach for millions and a market opportunity of 570 million small farms.

The Dimitra ecosystem

Dimitra also has a token supporting its ecosystem. DMTR is an exchange-based utility token created on the Ethereum blockchain as an ERC-20 token. Transactions are always verifiable and transparent via Etherscan and the Ethereum blockchain.

There are numerous facets of utility in the DMTR token within the way Dimitra has designed its platforms. For example, let’s start with sensors. Each farmer part of Dimitra’s ecosystem can help with their operations, load the data within the system, and allow analysis and machine learning to help them make better decisions.

Another facet is its new marketplace coming out, initially being released in the Connected Coffee module. All of Dimitra’s coffee producers are able to market their products worldwide. This utility gets passed on to everybody: the investors, the coffee producers and the coffee companies. In addition, Dimitra provides trade financing, marketing, sales support services, insurance and shipping services through the platform. All of this can be paid for or subsidized with Dimitra tokens, increasing the volume of the token and creating real value and utility.

Buying DMTR tokens directly translates into getting the technology into farmers’ hands, which means they can use technology they otherwise would not have.

Blockchain and Web3 agriculture applications

Agriculture is an industry that profoundly impacts the global economy and everyday lives. Dimitra’s AgTech platform, powered by blockchain, decentralizes agriculture and democratizes the industry. As a result, Dimitra has the potential to impact billions of people and to become a leading participant in solving many pressing global food security issues.

Press Contact: If you have inquiries about this news or want to get in touch with Dimitra Incorporated, contact [email protected].

From left to right: David Rivas, director of data science at Dimitra; Don Tapscott, executive chairman at the Blockchain Research Institute; Jon Trask, CEO of Dimitra; Peter Thorsteinson, chief technical officer at Dimitra; Jon Erlichman; Alex Tapscott; Ramina Tankacheyeva, director of product management at Dimitra.

From left to right: David Rivas, director of data science at Dimitra; Don Tapscott, executive chairman at the Blockchain Research Institute; Jon Trask, CEO of Dimitra; Peter Thorsteinson, chief technical officer at Dimitra; Jon Erlichman; Alex Tapscott; Ramina Tankacheyeva, director of product management at Dimitra.


Dimitra Incorporated

New Horizon Building, 3-½ Miles Philip S.W. Goldson Highway, Belize City

[email protected]