Deloitte Sets Good Example, Installs Bitcoin ATM in Toronto Office

Deloitte puts a Bitcoin ATM in their Toronto Rubix office for Blockchain purposes.
Deloitte puts a Bitcoin ATM in their Toronto Rubix office for Blockchain purposes.

Deloitte unveiled their new personal Bitcoin ATM machine in their Toronto office off Yonge St. The Bitcoin ATM itself will be used heavily by Deloitte’s Rubix division which specializes in Blockchain technology. This will provide Deloitte with a faster and simple option when buying Bitcoin for their  Blockchain research and development.

With a public launch on Sept 7, now anyone can use their ATM at the Rubix office on the 2nd floor lobby. The Bitcoin ATM will be able to buy and sell Bitcoin with a 1% fee for both buying and selling.

The ATM itself was made by Ottawa-based BitAccess and strategically placed by Deloitte to ensure anyone can use it without going through security gates and checkpoints to gain access.

Several other people were also there for the unveiling of the BTM and to make their first transactions including C4 president Michael Perklin.

Canadian Bitcoin ATMs

To date, there is a total of approximately 786 Bitcoin ATMs worldwide in 53 countries on Coinatmradar. Deloitte’s ATM marked the 775th Bitcoin ATM to go online. This brings Canada’s Bitcoin ATMs number to 114 putting it second place behind the USA in terms of number of Bitcoin ATMs.

Toronto itself has around 34 Bitcoin ATMs making it the home of the most Bitcoin ATMs in all of Canada. Deloitte placing a BitAccess machine there is perfect to attract Cryptocurrency users and even introduce new people to Bitcoin.

For now, we are not sure what exchange rate the Bitcoin ATM uses, however, We predict that it might be using BitcoinAverage or QuadrigaCX tickers.

Bitcoin: The new gold rush?

Back in 2014 Deloitte issued a report entitled “Bitcoin: the new gold rush?” in which the company admitted that it was hard to deny “Bitcoin’s increasing relevance to businesses and the broader economy”. It took them two years to actually go from theory to practice by installing a Bitcoin ATM.

Ian Chan, Partner and Deloitte’s Exponentials and Innovation Leader, explains in the press-release:

“We hope that this BTM will increase people’s understanding and access to Bitcoin, so that they’re better prepared to embrace and respond to the advancement of Blockchain.”

Iliana Oris Valiente, an original founder, and strategy leader of the Rubix by Deloitte team, says in the same press-release:

“The first step towards a wider blockchain adoption is knowledge, and the logical entry point is to first understand how Bitcoin works. The goal is to make Bitcoin more accessible so that users can experience Blockchain technology first hand to deepen their understanding and ultimately increase adoption.”