Dash Links With BlockCypher in Significant Mainstream Step

Dash reveals it has clinched yet another partnership aimed at increasing its mainstream adoption prospects.
Dash reveals it has clinched yet another partnership aimed at increasing its mainstream adoption prospects.

Dash has announced its latest partnership with BlockCypher in a move developers describe as one of the “most significant steps to mainstream adoption.”

From now, multinational corporations including Deloitte, as well as the US Department of Homeland Security and industry household names Xapo and Abra will be able to integrate Dash on demand.

In so doing, the asset’s team hopes to make sense of the enterprise Blockchain market, which despite still being in its infancy is already awash with disparate offerings.

“Wallets, merchants and exchanges have a choice to either run nodes or work with an API service to implement Dash, and merchants can seamlessly integrate it as a method of payment without needing to know the complicated tech behind it,” Dash business development vice president Daniel Diaz commented.

“Think of it like this: Dash is one side of the river bank, and big business is the other. The water in between is a swirling mass of independent software stacks, interfacing tools, servers, nodes, libraries, technical jargon and confusion that looks far too dangerous to cross. BlockCypher is the bridge.”

Diaz has been the spokesperson for the raft of previous Dash integrations which stretch back several months. These have included everything from exchange debuts to drives aimed at increasing use as a day-to-day currency.

The asset’s price has more or less stabilized in recent weeks, nonetheless still sensitive to overall altcoin market trends as witnessed this week when the majority lost up to 15 percent overnight.

BlockCypher itself meanwhile championed Dash’s unique selling points.

“Dash is an example of how alternative cryptocurrencies are addressing new market needs. For example, Dash’s governance model preempts the gridlock that protocols such as Bitcoin are facing,” CEO Catheryne Nicholson declared.