CV Summit 2022 called on incumbent industries to no longer hold blockchain tech on probation

CV Summit, Switzerland’s flagship forum, showcased the productivity of the world’s most mature blockchain hub and the utility of blockchain tech while welcoming leading global entities entering the space, such as Google and Visa.
CV Summit, Switzerland’s flagship forum, showcased the productivity of the world’s most mature blockchain hub and the utility of blockchain tech while welcoming leading global entities entering the space, such as Google and Visa.

CV Summit, Switzerland’s flagship forum, showcased the productivity of the world’s most mature blockchain hub and the utility of blockchain tech while welcoming leading global entities entering the space, such as Google and Visa. Over 800 in-person delegates and 70 speakers attended Switzerland’s most significant blockchain industry event, with 2,300 other attendees joining online.

Google Cloud’s Daniël Rood at CV Summit said: “We come to this space humbly and to partner. We want to bring our experience from Web2 and to work together to bring users on board to Web3, which promises the democratization of ownership.” 

Klaus Steinkamp from Visa told delegates: “Our mission is to connect the world through the most reliable and secure payment network — enabling people, businesses and economies to thrive. Visa intends to address the current friction when the crypto vertical engages with fiat currency. We want to engage, please reach out.” 

CV Summit highlighted the significance of global players entering the space. “It’s important to take note of Google’s and Visa’s entering. CV Summit saw the collaboration of different worlds — the old and the new, the traditional and the informal. These worlds are open to collaboration, learning from each other, and together contributing to the fantastic story that is blockchain technology,” said Mathias Ruch, co-founder and CEO of CV VC. 

Continuing, Ruch said, “How would the world be without the invention of the light bulb? Dark. How might the world be without blockchain and the other underpinning techs of the incoming Web3 iteration of the internet? Stark. To ensure a brighter future amid geopolitical turmoil and raging inflationary effects, we felt it important to bring the utility agenda to the forefront via CV Summit. The space is maturing and professionalizing. I call incumbent industries to no longer hold blockchain tech on probation but to embrace it so as not to miss out and be on the losing side.”

CV Summit highlighted that Crypto Valley is unquestionably the most mature blockchain hub, offering the global blockchain ecosystem the right people to give answers to questions, regulatory clarity, and a concentration of founders and builders that want to contribute to a safe and transparent environment and build the next generation of commerce.

International speakers supported this position, such as PraSaga CEO Michael Holdmann, who said: “We are here due to the guidance Switzerland gives.”

CV Summit is distinct in the global blockchain conference circuit, as it is less about speculation and more about utility. It is no surprise that Swiss productivity extends to its blockchain and Web3 industry, which is globally recognized for its precision, financial acumen, regulatory certainty, compliance expertise, unicorns and unique mindset. This mindset results in Switzerland’s constant ranking as a top country within which blockchain businesses flourish. 

The eighth edition of CV Summit shone the global spotlight on Switzerland’s illuminating productivity in blockchain and the incoming iteration of the internet, Web3. Swiss pioneers with international reach were also gathered at CV Summit. 21Shares, which recently joined Switzerland’s unicorn herd, fresh from a new $25 million funding round, along with crypto banks SEBA and Sygnum, online banking leader Swissquote, Bitcoin Suisse, and Swiss digital exchange SDX explored together perspectives and actions with over 3,000 delegates. Also in attendance were those building security and compliance infrastructures to bridge the traditional finance world, such as Lukka and CertiK. Circle, the world’s largest stablecoin issuer came to examine CBDCs with regulatory experts and the Bank of International Settlements. Tech builders PraSaga, Cartesi, Partisia Blockchain and QPQ delivered inspiration, while motivation was roused by the Casper Association and Web3 Foundations. Those innovating in trading such as Portofino met with exchanges Coinbase, LCX and others.

Commenting on the utility proposition of CV Summit 2022, CV Labs managing director Tracy Trachsler said, “Our role at CV Labs is to enable the incubation of great minds, to expose innovation and to allow it to flourish for the enablement of a better future. One of the many great strengths we have in Switzerland is our attentive approach to technological innovation, which delivers utility. Blockchain is a ‘lightbulb moment’ not just for Switzerland but for the world. This is why we host CV Summits, research and publish reports, and are building a global ecosystem with our partners to shine the light on blockchain technology as it builds a more equitable future for all. To highlight the utility of blockchain, we hosted a startup zone at this year’s summit, and many of those whom we incubated and in which our VC pillar CV VC has invested were in attendance at either the startup zone or the earlier Friends and Family Day event.”

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