Encryption is one everybody’s mind these days, as consumers want to keep their details safe and secure, whereas government officials are for full information access. WordPress.com has taken the necessary steps to enable HTTPS encryption for all of the subdomains using their platform.
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Better Late HTTPS Encryption Than Never
It comes as quite a surprise to find out WordPress.com did not offer HTTPS encryption up until now. Even though this blogging platform is one of the most popular ones in the world, such a feature has been lackluster up until late last night. Most other major online social services have used HTTPS encryption for quite some time now, but WordPress.com was behind the curve.
Or to be more precise, the platform did not offer this feature for owners of custom domain names. Although WordPress.com subdomains have had HTTPS enabled since back in 2014, no other custom domain names on this platform were subject to encryption support. However, consumers have to keep in mind it takes a lot more than checking a box to ensure HTTPS encryption compatibility.
Every single domain name requires its certificate, which has been quite a challenge for some time. Luckily, things have improved recently through the Let’s Encrypt project. Not only does this service make it a lot easier to implement HTTPS, but it is also a far cheaper solution than more traditional offerings.
From now on, every time someone visits a custom WordPress.com domain name, they will be redirected to the HTTPS protocol and see a green lock in the address bar. If this green lock is not present, or the HTTPS access is not activated, it could indicate users are visiting a phishing site. Keeping in mind how WordPress enables these certificates on all sites automatically, there is no reason for site owners not to have one.
But there is an added benefit to HTTPS encryption for WordPress.com users, as Google’s algorithms seem to favor web site supporting this protocol. As a result, these custom subdomains should rank higher in Google’s search results, and drive more traffic to the platform.
Keeping in mind how several Bitcoin websites – including news and others platforms – are making use of WordPress, this news is also relevant to them. HTTPS encryption is a great addition for any WordPress.com user, and Bitcoin enthusiasts can benefit from this additional service as well.
What are your thoughts on WordPress.com finally supporting HTTPS encryption for custom domain names? Let us know in the comments below!
Source: TechCrunch
Images courtesy of WordPress, Shutterstock