CryptoArt Museum presents the results of the first art residence for crypto artists

The non-profit organization CryptoArt Museum held its first art residence for artists working with nonfungible token technologies from May 10 to 28.
The non-profit organization CryptoArt Museum held its first art residence for artists working with nonfungible token technologies from May 10 to 28.

The non-profit organization CryptoArt Museum held its first art residence for artists working with nonfungible token technologies from May 10 to 28. An exhibition with the results of the project opened on May 29 and will be available online until June 15.

Seven artists from Russia, Canada, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico and Kazakhstan were selected from among more than 50 applicants. Each of them received grants from the museum and created their works on a predetermined subject. This time, the participants worked on “Genuine Intelligence” — the personal inner world, its development and prospects for the future. This is a frequently overlooked subject that is sacrificed in favor of the more fashionable topic of robotics and artificial intelligence.

The results were presented online and at the CryptoArt Fair Tulum offline event in Mexico on May 30.

About the CrypoArt Fair Tulum

On May 30, 2021, Tulum, Mexico played venue to the crypto art world. The Moonstock gallery and Papaya Playa Project hosted the CryptoArt Fair Tulum with presentations and workshops about crypto art and NFTs.

Let us take a short tour of the exhibition.

The world is now talking about artificial intelligence. The important question is whether this is just a powerful tool, or maybe it has something of its own that it itself is not aware of yet?

This is an artwork by MaxCryptoHead dedicated to the theme of “Genuine Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence.” This artwork simulates the first successful Turing test, a method invented by computer pioneer Alan Turing to detect artificial intelligence. If a computer convinces a human that it is a human as well, one may call it intelligent.

Amazing, isn’t it? But a bit frightening as well.

There is always going to be something that no technology will ever be able to replace. That piece of the unknown deep down inside every human being is what we call the soul.

This is an artwork by artist Oblinoff from Argentina. Through it, he tries to tell us:

“Collect intelligence to observe and interconnect patterns; constantly rediscovering the depth and breadth of the intelligence in the mid-points of the phases, where being and nothingness meet.”

Anomalite Kate from Russia presents her own inner universe called “Anomalitism.” Each element exists in space independently and has the ability to communicate or complement another element or several of them. She wants her digital version and messages to be transferred to this universe even after her physical death.

Rinatto L’Bank from Kazakhstan shows us how familiar human forms take on new meanings. Everything is done by the artist without using AI technology.

Adran Alva, a Mexican digital artist, shows how genuine intelligence can picture AI — how he imagines processes when artificial intelligence starts thinking.

Miyagger, also from Mexico, is a young but very promising video motion artist. Watch how he imagines a journey into the future that may soon become a common reality.

Quitters Arts Collective from Canada made a piece of artwork to illuminate how genuine intelligence, regardless of AI or organic life, faces the same overwhelming entropic forces of death and destruction, being completely powerless against fate and the fundamental physical laws of the universe.

Visitors of the exhibition will also see several works by famous artists that further reveal the topic. They were presented by, the largest crypto art platform in Asia, which is a partner of the museum.

The exhibition will run until June 15.

Olga Filatova, founder of the CryptoArt Museum, stated:

“The CryptoArt Museum was founded by an international team of professionals from different areas — crypto, art, design and business. Our aim is to show that NFTs are not just hype, but a new stage in art history that gives new opportunities to both artists and art lovers. We are all passionate about innovations and want to make them useful for the development of our society. Our project is not just an online museum, since we plan to support talented artists, educate collectors and make a contribution to the heritage of our generation. The CryptoArt Museum Foundation is a non-commercial organization aimed at helping NFT art develop as a full-fledged direction in art.”