Crypto Millionaire Literally ‘Airdrops’ $100 Bills From Rooftop in Hong Kong

A Bitcoin millionaire and cryptocurrency loud mouth was arrested in Hong Kong over the weekend for causing mass hysteria after an airdrop of several HK $100 bills from an apartment rooftop. Hong Kong Style ‘Air Drop’ On Saturday (December 15, 2018), Wong Ching-kit; a cryptocurrency promoter caused a stir when he tossed several HK$100 from an […]
A Bitcoin millionaire and cryptocurrency loud mouth was arrested in Hong Kong over the weekend for causing mass hysteria after an airdrop of several HK $100 bills from an apartment rooftop. Hong Kong Style ‘Air Drop’ On Saturday (December 15, 2018), Wong Ching-kit; a cryptocurrency promoter caused a stir when he tossed several HK$100 from an […]

A Bitcoin millionaire and cryptocurrency loud mouth was arrested in Hong Kong over the weekend for causing mass hysteria after an airdrop of several HK $100 bills from an apartment rooftop.

Hong Kong Style ‘Air Drop’

On Saturday (December 15, 2018), Wong Ching-kit; a cryptocurrency promoter caused a stir when he tossed several HK$100 from an apartment rooftop in Hong Kong. According to local media, a viral video of the incident has the man dubbed as “Mr Coin” saying:

Today, December 15, is FCC’s big day in announcing the trading race. I hope everyone here will pay attention to this important event. I don’t know whether any of you will believe money can fall from the sky.

Wong isn’t a stranger to such over-the-top cryptocurrency promotional gimmicks. Via his online moniker “Coin Young Master” and Facebook page – Epoch Cryptocurrency, he regularly promotes an assortment of virtual currency “investment” schemes.

12月15號係FCC既大日子因為意味着fcc交易比賽公佈頭獎得主有機會贏取2000萬港幣現金一至50名都會有獎獎品總值超過4000萬簡單可能玩$100蚊都有機會贏取頭獎今次係fcc係全港第一條公鏈亦係我哋香港人可以賺盡中國市場錢的唯一機會想賺首期買樓 過更好既生活一定要買fcc 因為簡直係中國人送錢比香港人洗賺到錢對的感謝返我哋偉大嘅祖國今日既主題係劫富濟貧我自細就有一個夢想 希望做一個正義使者 超級英雄 可能好多人會因為年紀逐漸長大被工作不停磨滅 所以失去左這個心我亦非常能夠體會 因為我都曾經辛苦過 只係幣圈世界太過夢幻 短短幾年時間就可以令到我重拾童真唔知大家有冇想像過會有一日錢可以從天而降我幣少爺 今日企係度話俾你地知 只要你有夢想 就所有事情都係有機會發生錢就係從天而降。

Posted by 幣少爺-新世代礦業 on Friday, December 14, 2018

The cryptocurrency attention-seeker appears to be among those who made a fortune during the bull-run that occurred in late 2017. Wong also fancies himself as a bit of a “Robin Hood” type figure. He even alludes to the claim during the money drop stunt saying that he was “robbing the rich to help the poor.”

After the rooftop display, Wong proceeded to a local restaurant in Sham Shui Po to hand out meal coupons. Unfortunately, the police were waiting at the scene to arrest him.

Ponzi Schemes and Disturbing the Peace

In a press conference on Sunday, Kevin Chong Kiu-wai, the police chief inspector, provided reasons for the arrest. According to the police chief, Wong was arrested for disorderly conduct in a public place.

Commenting further on the matter, Chong said:

Any person who had found or picked up property or banknotes that not belong to themselves, they should turn it to the police. Otherwise, they may have committed offenses of theft.

With this pronouncement, the police are saying anyone who picked up cash from the scene and failed to report it ran the risk of arrest. Good luck with that Hong Kong police. Although reports indicate that Wong threw out close to HK$100,000, police say they only recovered HK$6,000.

Wong may not be the rogue knight he claims to be, as pointed out by Leonhard Weese, president of the Hong Kong Bitcoin Association. According to Weese, Wong has a history of promoting Ponzi schemes within and outside the cryptocurrency sphere.

Do you think gimmicks like these help or hurt the credibility of the emerging cryptocurrency narrative? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Facebook (Epoch Cryptocurrency), Shutterstock