Cointelegraph Brings First Blockchain Conference to Nordics

Blockchain Conference is a one-day event taking place in Helsinki on August 26th 2016 and arranged by Cointelegraph.
Blockchain Conference is a one-day event taking place in Helsinki on August 26th 2016 and arranged by Cointelegraph.

Cointelegraph Blockchain Conference
August 26, Helsinki,
Presenting the Blockchain to Finland. In practice.

The first Blockchain Conference is a one-day event taking place in Helsinki on August 26th 2016 and arranged by Cointelegraph for the first time in the Nordics. It will showcase a number of promising Blockchain European startups as well as the most revolutionary Blockchain projects and their economic prospects for all the stakeholders.

Participation is free of charge, however registration is required due to the limited number of places available (200 people max.).

Topics and speakers

The main aim of the Helsinki Blockchain Conference 2016 is to educate a larger audience about Blockchain technology, its overall advantages and investment potential. The event will be especially valuable for investors, VCs, corporates, financial Institutions and startups.

In order to make the conference as practical and encompassing as possible, Cointelegraph has partnered Finnish Business Angels Network (FiBAN), a national, non-profit association aiming to inspire private investments made in potential high-growth companies.

Some of the most notable speakers at the event include Victoria Vaughan, CEO at Cointelegraph, Peronet Despeignes, SpecialOps at, Erik Vollstädt, Lead Ambassador at Bitnation, Nikolaus Kangas, Co-Founder and CEO at, Matej Michalko, Founder and director at DECENT, Mads Emil Dalsgaard, CMO at Funderbeam.

Funderbeam is the first Blockchain-powered startup investment marketplace with the ability to invest and trade investments. “Our goal is to give insights on the state of early stage investing in startups working with Blockchain technology,” says Mads Emil Dalsgaard of Funderbeam, “As well as get an understanding from the audience of what kind of companies they are most interested in.”

Matej Michalko is the founder of the revolutionary decentralized content platform owned and controlled by the authors themselves. Peronet Despeignes is a member of the team, one of the most talked about Blockchain products. In his presentation Despeignes will explain how they have managed to disrupt prediction markets. 

Nikolaus Kangas is Co-Founder and CЕО  of one of the most successful Bitcoin exchanges in the world - LocalBitcoins. He will illustrate the problems of European Blockchain businesses with a number of case studies. In addition to this, he will talk about building and running a Blockchain business, sharing many practical tips and insights with the audience.

Helsinki - startup hub of Northern Europe

Helsinki seems to be an ideal place for such an event. It has a rich technological history, a huge number of startups with impressive governmental and financial support, as well as a setup pool of active investors.

However, the lack of knowledge and expertise in the area of Blockchain is rather significant there too, which provides the Blockchain Conference with a great opportunity for initiatives. The event won’t only explain what this technology is about but it will also show how Blockchain is already revolutionizing the markets and what economical benefits it is already bringing.

Startups such as Taqanu, Zlick, Zeptagram, Wone, ProofofYou and Mamoru will present their inspiring ideas and projects. Being members of NexusLab Blockchain accelerator they have just entered real business life and are ready to meet with investors and customers.

Blockchain is now!

The Helsinki Blockchain Conference 2016 is the first high-profile Blockchain event to be held in Finland this year. There will be a unique opportunity to receive first-hand fintech insights from internationally recognized Blockchain experts, entrepreneurs and investors, who will share their experience of practical implementation of this innovative technology as well as their vision of the future of Blockchain.

This aims to be an inspirational conference and so if you are a Blockchainer in the making, don’t miss out on the next big thing since the invention of the Internet and Apple computers. Come and join us and be part of something big, part of the Blockchain Revolution. Learn, network and put your knowledge into action. The event is supported by and Microsoft and organized by Cointelegraph for the first time in the Nordics.

Participation is free of charge. Please, register here - only 200 places are available. The early bird catches the worm!