Coinapex, an Incubator aiming to support Cryptocurrency Projects

Coinapex, is a NYC based software, technology and cryptography incubator aiming to support and discuss innovative ideas. The incubator offers resources and guidance on new ideas since its conceptual beginning until completion.
Coinapex, is a NYC based software, technology and cryptography incubator aiming to support and discuss innovative ideas. The incubator offers resources and guidance on new ideas since its conceptual beginning until completion.

Coinapex, is a NYC – based software, technology and cryptography incubator aiming to support and discuss innovative ideas. The incubator offers resources and guidance on new ideas since its conceptual beginning until completion. Coin Apex helps technology startups emerge and established companies grow within this cutting-edge space. By focusing on the sustainability needed to maintain competitive advantage in its ever-changing digital markets, Coin Apex prides itself on several core principles: sharing and expanding experience and expertise in the space, housing the brightest talent in the industry and forming solid partnerships that ensure the forward motion of the ecosystem.
Coinapex has a team of 12 highly experienced professionals. Each one of the team members have their own specialities and are strongly committed in giving their best know How and support while being able to attend the needs of the projects their involved in. CoinApex_article_2_Bitcoinist
Coinapex has begun certain campaigns that have had immense success. It has propelled companies such as Coin watch, or BlockWork, and now it has joined forces with The King’s College and has organized an event, open to the press and public, The Digital Currency RoundTable that is set to provide access to discussions with some of the top leaders in different expertise areas of the Bitcoin industry.
Bitcoinist had a little chat with CoinApex Marketing and Communications Director, Sarah Tyre, where we had the chance to ask some questions and collect more information about CoinApex:

Can you tell us how the CoinApex Startup Incubator idea was born?

Coin Apex was born in fall of 2013 to give talented people a place to create and build cool things. Yifu Guo and Alex Waters cofounded the incubator. Yifu has a history in hardware and brought the first Avalon ASIC mining hardware to market. Alex worked on Bitcoin in its earlier days, and has since held several management roles at Bitcoin companies. Their goal was to facilitate a space where experienced developers and creative thinkers can translate their passion into application, creating innovative products and services.
The rest of the team consists of seasoned Bitcoin veterans, including Jonathan Warren, Rachel Yankelovitz and Alejandro Hernandez from BitInstant; Giorgio Ravalli, an NYU Economics grad; Andy Johnson, a power UK-based Creative Designer; Eric Franco, an experienced front-end developer; Brendan Diaz, a business-minded pioneer with past experience with startups; Peter To, a market analyst and experienced prop trader; and Sarah Tyre, a marketing and communications leader with a diverse agency background.
We also have advisory teams for our different companies to bring relevant guidance and expertise to our brands, products and services.
Coin Apex is run as a team-driven entity. Its members are able to share ideas and as a group, decide what to build out products, services, and applications and bring it to market.

What can you tell us about CoinApex roadmap?

The state of the Bitcoin industry and digital currency space is in an extremely early phase and in some ways, still very discovery-like in nature. That being said, Coin Apex is very lucky to be an agile and fast moving from both a development and business standpoint that we are able to specialize in many facets of Bitcoin to pursue products and services through multiple mediums for Bitcoin to not only succeed, but also become a sustainable force that can drive societal change.

What Companies have you supported since the incubator started operations?

Since the company opened its doors, we have managed to support about 4 startup projects: ( a payment-processing company that facilitates businesses to accept bitcoin, but receive USD straight their bank accounts.
The Coin Watch ( a news aggregate service that delivers all of the biggest news in Bitcoin on a weekly basis.
BlockWork ( a trading application capable of executing trades across multiple exchanges to find opportunity in the volatility of Bitcoin markets.
Coin Validation ( a technical consulting company that helps businesses gain awareness of the regulatory and compliance issues with operating a digital currency company.CoinApex_article_1_Bitcoinist

What are the incubator primary funding methods?

The incubator is self-funded, but we do seek and accept investment for the companies that have been created with the help of the incubator. Right now, it is primarily private funding.
We also do consulting and spec work build outs for companies who need help with Bitcoin or blockchain based programming and development.

Can you talk about the Company’s Future implementations changes ande expectations?

CoinApex main objective is to seek investment, continue growing and innovating. At Coin Apex, we believe that expectations can sometimes limit perspective. In blockchain technology, we agree on one thing: Think big, work hard, and be flexible.

Photo source:CoinApex