Coin360 x Rarible: Revealing a powerful multichain NFT heatmap

Coin360 has partnered with Rarible, which is one of the leading NFT marketplaces in the world, and used its open-source protocol for a comprehensive NFT data feed
Coin360 has partnered with Rarible, which is one of the leading NFT marketplaces in the world, and used its open-source protocol for a comprehensive NFT data feed

Coin360 is known for its iconic crypto heatmap that is simple yet highly effective for monitoring real-time market movements and trends.

Over the last few months, the team at Coin360 has been working on delivering a similarly intuitive, accessible and powerful crypto visualization tool that addresses the nonfungible token (NFT) market.

To execute this vision, Coin360 has partnered with Rarible, which is one of the leading NFT marketplaces in the world, and used its open-source protocol for a comprehensive NFT data feed.

Now, with Coin360’s NFT heatmap live in beta, users can access and test it by visiting the main site and selecting the NFT option from the top menu.


Apart from providing a highly visual representation of the NFT space, the map shows the relative sizes of the collections based on their trading volume over selected periods.

Users can also adjust the available filters to select the top 30, 50, 100 or more NFT collections and change displayed values from the default (volume) to floor prices, the number of items and owners for each collection.


For now, the Coin360 NFT heatmap supports collections on Ethereum and Immutable X, but we plan to add support for more blockchains in the future.

Finally, each collection on the heatmap has its own detailed page with additional information, such as market capitalization, contract addresses, listed NFTs and a link to the corresponding Rarible marketplace page.


If you have any suggestions or feedback for this new NFT heatmap, contact Coin360 on Twitter, Telegram or via email.