Coin Brainery lets the experts educate the public on cryptocurrency

Ravinder Deol interview
Ravinder Deol interview

Bitcoin education is getting the hands-on approach in the form of Coin Brainery, a community initiative to provide bespoke learning materials to those new to the cryptocurrency phenomenon.

The Coin Brainery project is specifically the brainchild of Ravinder Deol, an accomplished producer of learning materials and currently a board member of the UK Young Enterprise charity. Deol saw a need to bring awareness of cryptocurrency to the masses, but that the personal element in the form of small group or private learning was missing. Now, his Kickstarter campaign is nearing completion of its first round of funding, a modest 1000 GBP.

The resource itself serves as a unique bridge between industry and consumer, albeit in an unexpected way. Other than himself, Deol has arranged interviews and collaborations with various experts in the field who will provide the information.

“My mission is to introduce you to the doers and thinkers within this industry, and allow you to grow and learn by listening to a variety of smart people who are willing to share their experiences and expertise,” his premise states.

Interviewees currently confirmed to participate include Paywise founder Dave Shin and Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar, president of the Bitcoin Foundation Argentina, and more are on the way.

Deol’s enthusiasm is boundless, and Cointelegraph reached out to him to get his take on the project and the issue of digital currency education for the future.

Cointelegraph: What inspired you to start Coin Brainery? Did you think the existing education resources available on digital currencies could be improved?

Ravinder Deol: My background in the educational/e-learning field really inspired me to launch Coin Brainery, as the need for education in this area is significant. I wanted to combine my two skill sets – Bitcoin/ digital currencies and education, predominantly creating and delivering e-learning courses – to teach people about Bitcoin and other digital currencies.

We tend to believe in this day and age that everyone is tech savvy and is up to date with the latest innovations. But when you actually step back and ask people as I have done; ‘do you know what Bitcoin is?’ To which many people respond “I’ve heard of it.” followed by ‘can you explain how Bitcoin and other digital currencies work?’ to which the majority reply simply “No.”

Right there in my opinion lies the key to making Bitcoin and other digital currency adoption mainstream and accepted by everyone, education. If we don’t want Bitcoin to simply disappear I really believe there needs to be education put in place to educate people on it, and that is exactly what I aim to do with Coin Brainery.

CT: What's your take on the need for digital currency education? Opinions vary widely, from views that it is essential to those who think consumers need not know anything about them in order to use them.

RD: There are a lot of views whether education is needed or not in Bitcoin but as I mentioned above, having done the research and come to the conclusion the majority of people do not know how to get involved in Bitcoin and other digital currencies lies the main problem to getting Bitcoin accepted and used by the wider population.

I’m sure many Bitcoin/ Digital Currency businesses would agree that there needs to be further education provided, I know from the businesses and key influencers I have spoken to that this is key to encouraging wider adoption.

CT: What will make Coin Brainery stand out from other options available?

RD: In regards to other options there is one thing I have to say about that: the more education that is provided in the area, the more people it is that get involved. That’s what we all want.

But with Coin Brainery specifically we’re going to be launching with our online course to teach people everything about Bitcoin, as well as our web-series/ on-going interviews we conduct with leaders in this industry.

Many people have asked why do the interviews. I truly believe the best education is done through storytelling, and that is exactly what the interviewees are able to offer essentially creating educational interviews.

CT: You mention there will be a fee for your lectures of US$199 - what will this price include exactly and how did you arrive at it?

RD: That’s right, the bitcoin course will be priced at $199 USD, but you can pre-order the course via our Kickstarter campaign for only £15 which is approximately $25 USD.

One thing I would like to point out is that not all our courses will be fee based, but comprehensive courses such as the bitcoin course mentioned will be.

The price will include lifetime access to the course, which will be regularly updated to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of bitcoin. I will be covering everything about Bitcoin. This course will go in depth covering topics such as mining etc, but be assured the course will start by covering the basics so you have a sound understanding.

In terms of how we got to that figure for that specific course, it is based down to the quality of the content, the engaging manner of which it is delivered and the on-going updates. Not forgetting learners can complete this course at their own pace.

Having been involved in educational/ e-learning businesses previously I understand the distraction and dropout rates that are ever so present on online courses, but having honed all that I’ve learned I truly believe now this course will be extremely engaging, and educational which is what is needed to educate people on Bitcoin. These will be engaging online lectures created by ourselves, not PowerPoint lectures which more often than not deter online learners.

CT: Are there any exciting developments on the horizon, in terms of features or experts you particularly want to have on-board?

RD: Where do I start?  Coin Brainery is currently live on Kickstarter, but what we’re launching with in November is just a snapshot of what is to come. I have a long list of developments that will be implemented to Coin Brainery to make it the ultimate online learning resource for people to learn about bitcoin and other digital currencies. Once again with experts many have shown extreme interest in Coin Brainery, which is always a good start, and working with them in the near future will be fantastic.

But I don’t want to run before I can walk, as I want to make sure everything educational that we do with Coin Brainery is of top quality, and more importantly delivers what it sets out to do, clearly and engagingly educate people on bitcoin and other digital currencies.

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