Cartesi Partners With IMPA to Open “Smart Contract Laboratory”

Research and development on both existing and future products will be carried out by PhDs at the world-renowned mathematics research institute With the applications of blockchain technology reaching further than many of us could have ever imagined, the benefits of implementing decentralized systems are now becoming too evident to ignore for the global economy. Payments […]
Research and development on both existing and future products will be carried out by PhDs at the world-renowned mathematics research institute With the applications of blockchain technology reaching further than many of us could have ever imagined, the benefits of implementing decentralized systems are now becoming too evident to ignore for the global economy. Payments […]

Research and development on both existing and future products will be carried out by PhDs at the world-renowned mathematics research institute

With the applications of blockchain technology reaching further than many of us could have ever imagined, the benefits of implementing decentralized systems are now becoming too evident to ignore for the global economy. Payments giant Visa recently announced a partnership with Circle Internet Financial, the startup behind the Ethereum blockchain-based US Dollar Coin (USDC), and the global adoption of blockchain infrastructure seems poised to become a reality sooner rather than later.

Research and development play a central role in technological advances and, unsurprisingly, countless hours and human resources go into the ideation of tomorrow’s innovations. Cartesi, a project that brings mainstream software to smart contracts through a layer-2 Optimistic Rollups solution, last week announced a formal partnership with Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics) in Rio de Janeiro; this exciting collaboration will see some of the world’s smartest minds work together on future solutions related to decentralized systems and more.

Working toward a more accessible future for smart contracts

Cartesi is a decentralized and scalable infrastructure that unlocks the vast universe of software components supported by Linux for use with blockchain technology. As a layer-2 infrastructure for blockchains, Cartesi Machine enables both traditional and blockchain developers to code smart contracts with mainstream software stacks and Linux OS resources. The newly forged partnership with IMPA will see aspiring PhD’s and professionals from the decorated institution contribute toward existing and future projects related to blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized computing, working towards a shared goal of improving accessibility to the industry’s untapped potential for millions of traditional software developers around the world.

Connected to the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, Communications, and the Ministry of Education, IMPA was established in 1952 and is credited with being home to some of the brightest minds in mathematics, including the winner of the 2014 Fields Medal Artur Avila Cordeiro de Melo, a recognized Brazilian mathematician who works primarily on dynamical systems and spectral theory. IMPA’s faculty members have earned numerous national and international prizes and many of them are members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences as well as foreign academies of sciences and hold honorific degrees at several universities. 

The smart contract lab

Cartesi will be opening a dedicated “smart contract lab” at IMPA headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, initially populating the lab with a secretary and two professionals but with plans to ramp up operations further in the near future. A large percentage of the research staff at IMPA hold research fellowships from CNPq (The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and many are involved in long-term research projects sponsored by the Brazilian Government.

Cartesi’s end goal is to host dedicated classes and curriculums at the lab at IMPA, covering topics related to blockchain and decentralized computing, in addition to Cartesi’s technology itself. This is all part of the team’s long-term mission to create a bridge from traditional industry to blockchain and give future software developers, mathematicians, and scientists broader knowledge of the blockchain landscape. 

The Cartesi team has been working hard in recent months to forge partnerships both inside and outside of the blockchain industry, with collaborations with Elrond and Iota as well as their dApp incubation program reflecting their continued efforts to push the boundaries of smart contract development.

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