The Carnegie Club Bitcoin Panel

St. Andrews is one of the United Kingdom’s oldest and most prestigious educational institutions. Its Carnegie Club is a student-run group, making distinctive
St. Andrews is one of the United Kingdom’s oldest and most prestigious educational institutions. Its Carnegie Club is a student-run group, making distinctive
Op-ed - The Carnegie Club Bitcoin Panel

St. Andrews is one of the United Kingdom’s oldest and most prestigious educational institutions. Its Carnegie Club is a student-run group, making distinctive contributions to the intellectual life of St. Andrews since 2010. The Club aims to provide an open platform for the discussion of important topics of current interest and concern.

Throughout the academic year The Carnegie Club of St Andrews holds dinner debates, lectures, panel discussions and networking events that allow attendees to make intellectual and personal connections to succeed with their academic and career ambitions.

In this spirit, the Carnegie Club will be hosting a Bitcoin panel consisting of business experts and representatives from, Rocket Internet, G2 Investment Group and New Entrepreneurs Foundation.

The panel promises to be an exciting one. The Carnegie Club of St. Andrews is renowned for providing a platform through which the leaders of today can debate contentious issues such as Bitcoin with the newer generation. In the process, panellists pass on their experience and wisdom to the leaders of tomorrow.

The focus of the panel will be Bitcoin and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age. The panel of leading thinkers will speak on the impact of the Internet on business. Attendees will be able to join directly in the discussion with global leaders in the fields of tech entrepreneurism, cloud computing, and digital currencies such as Bitcoin.

The panel will touch on important issues, with Bitcoin and related technologies as the focus. Topics will include how to integrate networked technologies to meet and transform human needs, and how to be prepared and compete in this accelerating marketplace.

By inviting high-profile speakers, the event offers attendees an exceptional opportunity to participate actively in inter-generational knowledge sharing.

Javier Marti will be one of the guest speakers on the Panel and the leading Bitcoin expert in attendance.

Mr. Marti is a successful entrepreneur, author of the book “Mobile, domains and the future”, speaker and trainer that predicted the current economic global depression and the negative effects in the workforce of illegal immigration, robotics and automation in his 2004 article, “Your job will go too, but you can do something about it”.

Mr. Marti is also the founder of the first Bitcoin Meetup group for Bristol and the South West area of the UK, meeting regularly in Bristol, Avon. He has been featured in two documentaries and interviewed as an expert on different subjects on MSI radio and Gloucester Radio, and is regularly contacted by the written press for assistance on his areas of expertise.

Mr. Marti aims to provide a deeper understanding of the factors that affect the present and future value of Bitcoin, as well as the underlying sociological and economic changes that the western world can expect in the near future, and their effect on the digital currencies landscape.

Students considering themselves budding economists and entrepreneurs are encouraged to attend. By the time many graduate in 2016, the internet economy is expected to account for some $4.2 trillion in the G-20 nations.

The digital age is truly upon us and learning is necessary in this networked era of exploding entrepreneurism.

The event will take place on Tuesday the 18th of February 2014 at Parliament Hall, South Street, St. Andrews. It begins at 17:30, with doors opening at 17:00. Entry is £5 and tickets can be bought here: