Can Bitcoin Save You From A Hangover

Online pharmacies that accept Bitcoin payments.
Online pharmacies that accept Bitcoin payments.

Holidays have passed by, New Year’s Eve was wonderful! Too bad January 1 has begun with a terrible headache and nausea. Seems familiar, doesn’t it? I bet it is! Of course, Cointelegraph believes our readers have the sense of proportion as it is actually the best way to avoid a hangover, but if you did find yourself feeling terrible on the morning of January 1, we can help you find a cure or, at the very least, ease your suffering.

First of all, there is no such thing as a hangover remedy. All medicines with such a label mostly appear ineffective. More worryingly, they can even make you feel worse. A good option is to take an enterosorbent before you start drinking, such as charcoal. It will absorb alcohol and save you from intoxication. But you can’t always know in advance when will you start a drinking session.

There are many ways to fight a hangover, and most of them are not connected to medicines at all. For example, Medical Daily recommends drinking water or eating asparagus as the “amino acids in asparagus improve the speed of how human cells break down alcohol, which can prevent some of the long-term damage from alcohol’s toxic byproducts, such as hydrogen peroxide”.

Men’s Health recommends eating crackers or toast or even have sex, though “there is no scientific research that shows that sex will make a hangover go away”. However, you can actually ease your pain with the usual painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen. And if you are too lazy to go to the pharmacy yourself, you could use your Bitcoins and order your remedy with delivery. Here are four pharmacies that accept Bitcoins:

Swiss Online Pharmacy

This company operates from the Seychelles and India. Swiss Online Pharmacy guarantees the quality of their goods and 100% security. They ship to nearly every country of the world. Though, you’ll definitely need to order your medicine in advance as shipping takes from 8 to 21 working days.

They only offer generic drugs which are distributed without patent protection. They differ from brand name drugs slightly so you should read the information table on the web site before ordering.

Canada Bitcoin Pharmacy

This is the first Bitcoin only pharmacy ever, which allows you to buy medicines via your account at Coinbase, Circle, or LocalBitcoins. They also have a delivery option though it is not stated which countries they actually ship to. Delivery usually takes 2-3 weeks, but for EMS shipping it takes 5-10 business days.

They have quite a good assortment of medicine though there are only a few kinds of painkillers. But you’ll definitely be able to buy Viagra if you decide to take that advice from Men’s Health.

JCM Pharmacy

JCM Pharmacy was established in 1962 in Singapore. So, as you can see, the company has quite a long history. Now, they have over 45 pharmacies operating in India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.   Besides those, they also have shipping centers in 4 countries: Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and their main shipping center in Mumbai, India.

JCM Pharmacy offers a good range of medicines of different kinds so you will definitely find something to help you there. The only bad thing is that the shipping will also take some time - 15-20 mailing days.


Quite a strange name for a pharmacy, nevertheless, they have the widest assortment of medicines of different kinds. They even offer Alka-Seltzer, so if you want to try an actual hangover remedy, you can order it here. It is actually the only pharmacy that offers such a kind of medicine - all others seem to think a hangover remedy is a myth.

PharmaOffshore ships medicines from India to the USA, the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia. They use Registered Mail or EMS, the delivery usually takes 10-16 days.

As you can see, shipping always takes time so you’d better think in advance if you want to have your remedy right when you need it. Otherwise, you’ll have to drag yourself out of your house and go to the nearest pharmacy no matter how bad you feel.

Anyway, remember that prevention is the best remedy and treat alcohol carefully otherwise you risk repeating the adventures of the guys from the “Hangover” movie. And Happy New Year!

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