Caladan's “Meet the VC Brekky” returns at EthCC: Curated networking for founders & VCs

The popular Meet the VC Brekky event hosted by Caladan is back at EthCC Brussels on 9th July 2024, offering the premier opportunity in Europe for early-stage and actively fundraising startups to meet investors
The popular Meet the VC Brekky event hosted by Caladan is back at EthCC Brussels on 9th July 2024, offering the premier opportunity in Europe for early-stage and actively fundraising startups to meet investors

The popular Meet the VC Brekky event hosted by Caladan is back at EthCC Brussels on 9th July 2024, offering the premier opportunity in Europe for early-stage and actively fundraising startups to meet investors. Over 40 venture capitalists and seasoned investors will be on the lookout for promising startups to fund, uniting the best projects and strongest investors under one roof. This edition of the pioneer founder-investor breakfast event in Web3 is hosted in a heritage building in the heart of Brussels beside the EthCC venue, mirroring the exclusivity of the crowd.

The Brekky is designed to offer a curated and intentional platform for meaningful interactions between attendees. Since its inception at ETHDenver in 2023, the networking breakfast has been a resounding success, hosted around the world in major events like Consensus, EthCC, and Token2049 Singapore. Each event receives over 1000+ applications, which are then longlisted before partner investors select the startups they wish to meet. This double opt-in leads to a higher rate of investments and quality fundraising conversations. Founders also have the opportunity to engage with top investors in open networking, where the ratio of investors to founders is 1 to 2.

In this edition of VC Brekky, 12 partner VC investors will be looking to invest  in a wide range of startups building consumer apps, infrastructure, DeFi, Web3 AI, L1/L2’s, and more. Furthermore, a number of highly respected VCs and thought leaders will also be in attendance to network with founders building the next giant project in web3.

Actively fundraising startups will get the chance to meet 1 on 1 with representatives from top-tier investment funds in web3 and crypto. Interested founders and VC attendees can sign up via and

Partner venture funds

The event features a multitude of experienced VCs including Caladan, Animoca Ventures, Basics Capital, Blockchain Founders Fund, Cointelegraph Accelerator, Capital, Digital Finance Group & Jsquare, IOSG Ventures, Orange DAO, Outlier Ventures, Saison Capital, and Superscrypt. Each brings a wealth of deep experience and insights in blockchain and crypto investments.

For more detailed information on each participating VC, please visit the official event link:

About Caladan

Caladan, a leader in digital asset market-making, has been generating exceptional returns since 2017. Operating thousands of algorithms across numerous digital assets and exchanges, Caladan envisions blockchain technology as the foundation of our generation. With a commitment to innovation and building the future, Caladan stands at the forefront of exploring new possibilities in the blockchain domain.



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