Breaking Records: Nuance DAO Raises Over $1 Million in Less Than 48 Hours

In the fall of 2023 Nuance transitioned to a DAO raising more than 1 million USD in less than 48hrs and became the first truly decentralised and fully on-chain publishing platform to be governed by its community of writers and readers
In the fall of 2023 Nuance transitioned to a DAO raising more than 1 million USD in less than 48hrs and became the first truly decentralised and fully on-chain publishing platform to be governed by its community of writers and readers

In the fall of 2023 Nuance transitioned to a DAO raising more than 1 million USD in less than 48hrs and became the first truly decentralised and fully on-chain publishing platform to be governed by its community of writers and readers.

This community-governed structure minimizes platform risk and ensures that the platform is run in the interests of those who use it, the writers and readers themselves. Writers are starting to earn on Nuance and the next generation of writers are joining Nuance daily - with early adopters set to become the influencers of tomorrow.

Nuance’s mission revolves around three core goals: ensuring Nuance writers are the fairest paid writers on the internet, establishing itself as the most trusted platform for long-form content and providing the best user experience for writers and readers.

Nuance offers writers alternative ways to earn from the value their content creates. Nuance enables readers to support writers directly through token tipping with NUA, ICP, and ckBTC. Additionally, Nuance enables writers to gate exclusive premium content behind an NFT paywall.

The platform's vision is to subsidize writers through readers. This vision is on the verge of realization with the imminent launch of the airdrop feature, which will distribute NUA tokens to all active users. These tokens can then be “spent” on the platform, through token tipping or purchasing premium NFT gated content.

There are several exciting features in the pipeline, all of which have been handpicked by the Nuance community for implementation. Among these eagerly anticipated additions are video embedding capabilities, notifications, post scheduling for enhanced organization, and writer subscriptions.

With a familiar user interface, innovative earning capabilities and new features being added as proposed and voted on by the community, it’s easy for writers to see the potential this platform holds and to make the move from traditional publishing to Nuance.

However, the Nuance community acknowledges that this may not be easy for brands or writers with a large following. Which is why the Aikin team, a core contributor to the Nuance DAO, are offering a free and convenient syndication service to those seeking to migrate their audience to Nuance. Through cross-posting content and sharing Nuance links, brands can seamlessly transition and move their following over to Nuance.

Nuance also offers a free publication feature, enabling publishers to establish their presence with customizable landing pages and manage their own team of writers. The publication feature provides access to premium features such as the ability to gate their content behind an NFT paywall.

Aikin founder Nicholas O’neill will be presenting at the upcoming ICP Community Conference, May 10th 2024. Join the conference virtually or in person at a meet up near you.

There will be opportunities for NUA token airdrop for attendees.

The future of publishing is with the people, for the people and by the people. The future of long-form publishing is Nuance.

To stay connected, contribute to the growth of Nuance, or to reach out for the free syndication service, you can join and connect with Nuance on Twitter, Discord, and OpenChat. Or sign up for your Nuance account today