Blockchain Ever After: Matchpool Plans Dating Site Launch With Valentine’s Event

This Valentine’s Day is set to be special for the Blockchain as distributed matchmaking platform Matchpool holds its dedicated launch event in Paris.
This Valentine’s Day is set to be special for the Blockchain as distributed matchmaking platform Matchpool holds its dedicated launch event in Paris.

This Valentine’s Day is set to be special for Blockchain as distributed matchmaking platform Matchpool holds its dedicated launch event in Paris.

Matchpool, which will trial in the Paris area before its global launch in the summer, is a multi-tier platform allowing anyone to create and then monetize a matchmaking service.

“My vision is that Matchpool will create millions of matches between people that are like each other and create a happier and more connected world,” founder Yonatan Ben Shimon told Cointelegraph.

Getting paid for playing Cupid

The platform will host pools using its dedicated token, Guppies (GUP), and smart contracts. Each pool created will have a “matchmaker,” who will be in charge of matching so-called “joiners,” or users of the pool.

Matchmakers can open pools free of charge, but the platform requires GUP to be placed in a smart contract in order to do so.

“As long as there will be more pools there will be less tokens in the system — that is how we connect the value of the token to the value of the network,” Yonatan explained in a Medium post earlier this week.

Monetization occurs through charging users an entrance and/or subscription fee, as well as for specific “services” such as matches. Users are incentivized to match other users through rewards in GUP.

“The tokens are used for paying the matchmaker for the match he is creating and for other purposes within the app. In addition, every new female user will get free tokens which will be minted,” Shimon continued.

“The private part of user data is on the Blockchain, which means it’s basically stored on the user’s phone and we do not have access.”

Romantic introductions

Although the Matchpool app itself will not be used, the Paris event will be a physical meet-up where some of Matchpool’s core principles will nonetheless be played out. Attendees will help match others at the event, with the person attracting the most matches winning a prize.

Yonatan is also setting about creating fair access for pools which may at first contain only a few users or those from a narrow spectrum of people.

“Pools can be configured with a “Matchlock” so that when a person of one set of demographic specifications enters, entry to the pool is locked for others of the same type until someone of the opposite demographic enters,” he explained.

“This is a very useful feature which allows the founder to specify in detail the kind of community they want to create.”

The Blockchain’s immutability lends itself as well to declarations of love as it does to real estate deeds. Beyond this, the Museum of Named Diamonds even allows love stories to be recorded on the Blockchain itself.