Blockchain Comes to Fantasy Sports

Innovations in Blockchain makes waves once again; The BTL Group announced its participation in a key partnership with Fantasy 6 Sports.
Innovations in Blockchain makes waves once again; The BTL Group announced its participation in a key partnership with Fantasy 6 Sports.

Innovation in Blockchain is making waves once again, this time in the industry of Fantasy Sports.The BTL Group announced its enthusiastic participation in a key partnership with Fantasy 6 Sports. The partnership is aimed at the development of a set of Blockchain tools and services created specifically for Fantasy Sports Corporations.

The industry surrounding Fantasy Sports is quickly expanding. However, the need for the Blockchain services has been highlighted by recent scandals involving the trust, loyalty, and integrity of its players. Blockchain technology would create a buffer to assure data integrity while keeping it all very open and transparent.

The partnership will allow BTL Group and Fantasy 6 Sports to create a proprietary system, SecurePlay, a unique Blockchain-based platform that allows for a complete transformation of how open contests, individual games, and all transactions will be securely and openly processed in the future of Fantasy Sports. The SecurePlay system will be first implemented into FansUnite, a socially-driven sports data company.

"This is a natural strategic partnership and practical alignment for BTL given the Fantasy 6 commitment to best practices and client-centered processes in Fantasy Sports," stated BTL Group Chief Executive Officer, Guy Halford-Thompson. "We are excited to develop the SecurePlay platform which will be using our core Blockchain technology. The platform will initially be going live with Fantasy 6-owned, and next we anticipate it being implemented by other leading Fantasy Sports companies throughout North America and around the world."

Shafin Diamond Tejani, Chair & Chief Executive Officer of Fantasy 6, stated in a press release:

"We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with our friends at BTL Group in ways in which we're convinced will generate significant added value and confidence in the Fantasy Sports industry. Our partnership will be focused on the implementation of Blockchain technology in Fantasy Sports, starting with security and transparency, and we see nothing but a very high ceiling indeed for the results of our collaboration with BTL."

Ray Walia, Chief Operating Officer of Fantasy 6 added, "Security has always been a fundamental tenet of our approach to Fantasy Sports and protecting both the integrity of our games, contests and our valued relationship with our players is a fundamental priority for our company. We believe the developmental output from our partnership with BTL Group will not only take our commitment to security and transparency to the next level but also, consolidate our leadership position in the field."