Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Prague Gathers Crypto Evangelists, Startups Founders

Prague is a special place for Blockchain and one of the most important Bitcoin hubs in Europe. That’s why the event company Smile-Expo has chosen Prague for an important conference.
Prague is a special place for Blockchain and one of the most important Bitcoin hubs in Europe. That’s why the event company Smile-Expo has chosen Prague for an important conference.

On May 19, Prague will host a conference Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference Prague. It will bring together ideologists of decentralized economy and authors of successful startups based on various Blockchains.

Blockchain and Bitcoin Conference is the Eastern Europe’s largest network of Blockchain conferences, held in five countries: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine and Sweden. The latest event took place in Moscow on April 19 and gathered 750 participants.

Home of Satoshi Labs and Trezor

The organizers, the event company Smile-Expo, have chosen Prague as one of the most important Bitcoin hubs in Europe.

"The city offers around a hundred places that accept digital currencies. A tourist that comes here with Bitcoins only can easily have a meal or stay at a hotel."

Implantation of contactless chips, which allow making Bitcoin payments among other things, is getting more and more popular among the citizens of the Czech Republic.

The conference will cover the cryptocurrency potential and implementation of Blockchain in the fintech and Govtech fields.

Independent expert, e-Payments & SEPA Advisor, Ugo Bechis will talk about the development of cryptocurrencies in the banking sector and the EU regulatory policy. His presentation focuses on Blockchain development in banking and e-commerce.

Advantages of decentralized services will be highlighted by the founder of several fintech projects and investor, Ian M. Worrall. An important aspect of his presentation is the interrelation between Blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Ian M. Worrall, Co-founder at, says this:

"I think Prague has potential to be a hotbed for Blockchain Startups. There are great tech talent and an attitude of disruption. Plus being located in central Europe provides cheap and fast access to the start-up culture of Berlin, energy and sustainable initiatives in Vienna, Switzerland/Luxembourg (if you need their services) and large business and investors in London."

Launching startups and living in the community

СЕО and founder at Waves Platform, Sasha Ivanov, will speak about open Blockchain systems for business. He will present a platform intended for running crowdfunding campaigns, issuing electronic values, and trading Blockchain-based assets.

Formation of a professional community and Blockchain ecosystem will be the subject of presentation of co-founder and board member at Adel, owner at Euro Tech Startups, Gabriel Dusil.

Yves Jacques Nicholson, Legal Consultant at Diacle, will focus his presentation on the regulatory aspects in the sphere of cryptocurrencies, especially, court and arbitration practice in the UK and EU countries.

Alternative application areas

A separate presentation will be dedicated to a very interesting aspect of the Blockchain industry – smart contracts. And namely, the anti-corruption aspect in Govtech and everyday life. These issues will be discussed by the independent developer Oleg Kudrenko.

He says:

"For now, the most crucial task for the entire community is to improve the level of Blockchain understanding and engage broad audiences into the digital revolution. There's no better place than a Bitcoin conference to do that."

An active member of the international Bitcoin community, participant of large conferences, Amin Rafiee, will talk about Blockchain-based projects that bring benefits to science, society and law. CEO and co-founder at SolarChange, Assaf Ben Or, will present Blockchain as a new source of clean energy.

Amin Rafee explains why Prague is a special place for blockchain:

"Prague is the home of Satoshi Labs, the people behind Slush pool - the first mining pool - and the Popular Trezor Bitcoin Hardware wallets. It is also the home of Paralelní Polis, one of my favorite Bitcoin cafes and meeting places in all of Europe. It is always a great honor to speak in such a beautiful history with a great history and drive for liberty."

Blockchain impact

Another non-banking application area of Blockchain is recruiting and job search. Founder and president at BitWage, author of Forbes, Jonathan Chester, will speak about the impact of Blockchain on the labor market.

Heading the international service for remote job search and recruiting remote employees, he will provide an insight into how Bitcoin payments function and how using Blockchain one can verify a CV and check the applicant’s reputation.

Besides that, the audience will learn how to avoid extra commission and transaction fees when transferring salaries to remote employees.

Jonathan Chester, Founder/President at Bitwage, says:

"Bitcoin and digital currency are increasingly being used as alternative commodities in countries all around the world with weak monetary regimes and corrupt governments. These foundations will be creating a solid base for other countries to begin adopting what will be a more stable form of a digital commodity in the future. The technology will become increasingly important for the flow of funds between Eastern and Western European countries, especially to those outside of the Eurozone. For instance between developers and freelancers in Eastern Europe and companies in Western Europe. The ability to accept your wage in Bitcoin and other digital currencies throughout Eastern Europe will create a check on the balance of power so that leaders will not be able to abuse the ability to print money and cause unnecessary inflation."

A representative of Genesis Mining Dmitry Machikhin will be a moderator of the conference. He will also act as a speaker. The topic of his presentation is related to advantages and opportunities of cloud mining.


Attendees of the conference will have a possibility to attend the demo zone that will feature mining hardware, banking services, crowd funding platforms, Bitcoin wallets and different services for both B2B and end users.

Guests of the exhibition will meet with representatives of HashCoins, Waves Platform, Crypviser, Solvena, Super NET, Polybius Bank, Aureus, DAO.Casino and other companies.

Detailed information and registration are available on the website of the event.