Blockchain application platform announces testnet migration

A blockchain application platform is performing a testnet migration on July 1— delivering an array of tangible improvements
A blockchain application platform is performing a testnet migration on July 1— delivering an array of tangible improvements

A blockchain application platform has announced that its testnet migration is taking place on July 1.

Lisk says its testnet is an invaluable tool — enabling upgrades to be put through their paces in a public setting before they are released into production on the mainnet.

The migration is due to occur on block height 14,075,259. However, the exact time will hinge upon conditions on the testnet, and whether new blocks are being reliably created.

Once completed, all protocol improvements introduced through versions three, four and five of the Lisk software development kit will be functional on the testnet, too.

The testnet’s arrival is set to ensure that developers and users can prepare themselves for Lisk’s mainnet migration, which is due to transition to an updated protocol soon.

According to Lisk, the update to Lisk Core 3.0.0 will result in a hard fork and is set to be the largest network migration to occur within the project so far — delivering “substantial changes” to the way its blockchain operates.

More insights from Lisk here

New features and improvements

The move to version three of Lisk’s testnet and mainnet delivers tangible improvements — including a consensus algorithm that provides block finality, ensuring that blocks are never reverted. A lot of emphasis has also been placed on polishing Lisk’s code base — enhancing the end experience for users and developers alike.

As previously reported by Cointelegraph, the project has also begun a concerted push to focus on blockchain interoperability — unveiling a brand-new solution at Lisk.js 2021, a dedicated two-day event for developers that was held virtually this year.

A total of eight roadmap objectives were unveiled — and one of the most significant of these is cross-chain update transactions, paving the way for information to be carried securely and quickly between networks.

Learn more about Lisk

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