Bitget CopyTrade Hits 7000 Professional Traders

Recently, Bitget released official news that as of now, more than 7,075 traders have settled in Bitget One Click to Copy Trade, and over 5.54 million orders have been finished. Bitget is a world-renowned derivatives trading platform. According to data from CoinMarketCap, the world’s largest crypto ranking platform, Bitget has an average daily futures trading […]
Recently, Bitget released official news that as of now, more than 7,075 traders have settled in Bitget One Click to Copy Trade, and over 5.54 million orders have been finished. Bitget is a world-renowned derivatives trading platform. According to data from CoinMarketCap, the world’s largest crypto ranking platform, Bitget has an average daily futures trading […]

Recently, Bitget released official news that as of now, more than 7,075 traders have settled in Bitget One Click to Copy Trade, and over 5.54 million orders have been finished.

Bitget is a world-renowned derivatives trading platform. According to data from CoinMarketCap, the world’s largest crypto ranking platform, Bitget has an average daily futures trading volume of US$5.6 billion, ranking among the top five in the industry. At the same time, Bitget is also one of the pioneering derivatives exchanges in the industry to launch One Click to Copy Trade.

One Click to Copy Trade is mainly for futures trading beginners, which enables users to follow the professional traders to clone trading by one click in Bitget, and the system can synchronize the opening and closing behaviors of professional traders, which makes it easy for them to make profits without tape reading. This product, which aims to solve the pain points between users and professional traders, has become well-received by a large number of institutional users and retail investors in the industry once it was launched.

In addition to earning a up to 10% profit return, professional traders may also have the opportunity to increase their popularity by levering the traffic and user base of Bitget, so as to accumulate fans to realize traffic monetization. In Bitget, in addition to the comprehensive rankings, users can select professional traders based on multi-dimension data in last three weeks, so that new and existing professional traders have more fair exposure opportunities.

Copy Trading is integrated in Bitget App as one of its functions at early stage. Users can complete all tradings with this all-inclusive App that supports copy trading on both PC and mobile ends. When entering into Bitget, opt for “CopyTrade” at homepage, all users can select the professional trader they want to follow according to the comprehensive ranking, win rate and P/L rate, etc. In order to ensure the strategy effectiveness of professional traders and the reliability of market, the professional traders are empowered to claim up to 100 followers. By doing so, the copy trading abilities of professional traders are guaranteed.

Bitget has comprehensive copy trade functions, supporting both USDT contract and Inverse contract. When opening a position, professional traders can switch leverages according to their preferences. They can also choose a cross margin mode or an isolated margin mode to rationally utilize funds. In order to prevent extreme market conditions, professional traders can also set take-profit and stop-loss measures to manage risk control.

In addition to completing all certification in Bitget, whoever applied to become professional traders also need to provide their last one-month records of futures trading in Bitget or other exchanges. Whoever meet the requirements can click “Become a Trader” on the CopyTrade page, and then start trading as professional traders after completing the relevant verification and passing the review.

“In the past year, our copy transaction products have accumulated a large number of devoted users. Among them, we have professional traders and futures beginners. The diversified product ecology of the platform requires us to continuously introduce diversified users to participate”. Bitget spokesman said.