Bitcoinist News Bits 12.01.15

You’re watching news bits, the weekly informing program of Bitcoinist. Let’s see what happened on the market this week. Thank you for watching. Stay tuned because next week we’re gonna cover the Miami Bitcoin conference with exciting summaries, interviews and predictions. Please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube, Facebook and Twitter channels. Lookin forward […]
You’re watching news bits, the weekly informing program of Bitcoinist. Let’s see what happened on the market this week. Thank you for watching. Stay tuned because next week we’re gonna cover the Miami Bitcoin conference with exciting summaries, interviews and predictions. Please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube, Facebook and Twitter channels. Lookin forward […]

You’re watching news bits, the weekly informing program of Bitcoinist. Let’s see what happened on the market this week.


Thank you for watching. Stay tuned because next week we’re gonna cover the Miami Bitcoin conference with exciting summaries, interviews and predictions. Please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube, Facebook and Twitter channels. Lookin forward to see you next week!