Bitcoin Foundation To Streamline Attorney Referral Service

Bitcoin Foundations' help to community
Bitcoin Foundations' help to community

One of the stated goals of the Bitcoin Foundation is to assist members of the Bitcoin community in getting legal help. Now, they are streamlining the process. 

Tucked in a blog post reminding members about their legal services, the Foundation quietly announced an upcoming website for its Legal Advocacy Committee. There, working with the Foundation's in-house attorneys, members can be connected with lawyers that are Bitcoin friendly and knowledgeable. 

At present time, Bitcoin Foundation members needing an attorney referral have to email the Bitcoin Foundation directly. The Foundation can provide information on finding a lawyer that will work pro bono (without charging the client) or for a fee. Once the website is redesigned later this year, members will be able to access much of that same information without directly contacting the Foundation. 

The Bitcoin Foundation's Legal Advocacy Committee says it has already assisted “numerous” members in the past and maintains a “growing list” of attorneys dealing with nearly every relevant section of law. 

Members looking for an attorney referral are advised to email and state which kind of legal advice they are looking for (civil, criminal/regulatory, regulatory compliance, tax or corporate) and if they are looking for a paid or pro bono lawyer. 

The foundation also stresses that they cannot provide legal advice themselves and asks that members don't mention their specific legal issues in emails.