Bitcoin Capable to Satisfy the Primary Needs of Humans

Analyzing the present situation can be assumed that a Bitcoin owner, who would like to provide himself or herself the living and to make groceries with the coin, will definitely be capable to survive and even variegate his or her meals.
Analyzing the present situation can be assumed that a Bitcoin owner, who would like to provide himself or herself the living and to make groceries with the coin, will definitely be capable to survive and even variegate his or her meals.

Everyone knows the basic rules of existence – specie needs to satisfy the primary needs to withstand external powers aiming to destroy a living being. Among the necessities are food, water, auspicious environment (corresponding circumstances, clean air and reduced dangers) and conditions for reproduction. Cryptographic currencies as Bitcoin already aim to make the world green, decrease energy use and become more efficient to reduce its fingerprint and the one created by miners and users. The development of the network, establishment of new venues accepting coins, virtual money friendly merchants add to the positive impact of the online payment methods. These premises are enough to ensure food to bitcoiners – fresh, fast, healthy, tasty, different and upon simple request.

Analyzing the present situation can be assumed that a Bitcoin owner, who would like to provide himself or herself the living and to make groceries with the coin, will definitely be capable to survive and even variegate his or her meals. The only condition is the place he or she is leaving at. For those, who are at home in developed countries of Europe or North America there are no reasons to worry. Let us observe the most remarkable food venues.

The first category that appreciated the new currency and payment method has one parameter in common with Bitcoin – fast food on the go. The best example was created in the UK. Burger Bear stand can be met on the streets of London, the Shoreditch area. Cointelegraph has already published an article on this vendor, as well as a similar one on