Bitcoin [Promotion] Not Bombs, From Bitcoin Jet

Bitcoin Jet
Bitcoin Jet

Art By; Jing Jin

If Bitcoin is to become successful it will have to first become widely accepted and the best way to accomplish this is through promotion. Now, a new promotion is underway that includes a “Bitcoin Jet”. Mark “Fidel” Hale, a Bitcoin Evangelist and Paul “Sticky” Strickland, a former US Air Force “Thunderbird” member with more than 4,000 flight hours to his credit, will be taking an Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatross to two different cities for display. The first show will be this weekend in Idaho and it will be followed by another appearance at the Las Vegas Air Show on November 8th and 9th of this year.

The Aero Vodochody L-39 aircraft was originally designed to be a combat trainer for the US Air Force. It is a two-seat, all metal, turbofan powered jet that was designed to accomplish several different training tasks. Its basic function was for both basic and advanced flight training and combat maneuvering, but also functioned in training offers in weapon delivery and other light attack tasks. 

The idea of using cool equipment to promote Bitcoin is not a new one and seems to be catching on fast. In July rookie NASCAR driver Alex Bowman announced his support for Bitcoin and pledged to use the Bitcoin logo in a race. Before that, in April, NASCAR driver Josh Wise announced that he would be using Dogecoin as his sponsor after being encouraged by one of his fans who was also a Dogecoin enthusiast. The Dogecoin community raised 60 million doges (about $50,000) to make the sponsorship happen. In December of 2013 Jeff Garzik talked online about launching a Bitcoin satellite to protect the blockchain from malicious hackers.

With the possible exception of the potential Bitcoin satellite, the equipment really is not that special. There are millions of jets and hundreds of NASCAR vehicles. But the idea is that people relate to NASCAR and high speed attack aircraft. Therefore, attaching the Bitcoin brand to popular entertainment venues is an excellent idea. We see promotions like this every time most of us watch professional sports. We used to have Candlestick Park but now we have Levi Stadium. The payoff is when tens of millions of people watch the 49ers in the playoff race they will see and hear the name Levi over and over in a positive context. That is what sponsoring a NASCAR driver does, what sponsoring a college bowl game does, and what sponsoring this jet has the potential to do.

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