Bitcoin Meetup At INNOVATHENS

Bitcoin Greece Meetup. There will be presentations, discussions and of course bitcoin donations to the new users to experiment with.
Bitcoin Greece Meetup. There will be presentations, discussions and of course bitcoin donations to the new users to experiment with.

The Bitcoin Community in Greece faces a huge problem regarding the adoption of BTC in small businesses and enterprises, so we spoke to the organizer in order to learn his opinion about it.

As a lot of people in the world have the right to learn and understand the Bitcoin world, the Greeks also have the same right. The Greek Crisis has already hit and the political and financial systems are wounded in a very serious way by the Greek debt. With the people, and only with them, lays the power to change this bad situation, this cannot be done by a miracle.

Few people in our world could make things better for the rest of us and they deserve our support, like the Greek Bitcoin Community. They struggle to explain to individuals and businesses how this technology works, and how they can benefit. On February the 12th, the Bitcoin Greek Community invites you into the Technopolis in the city of Athens to present, discuss and meet each other in a nice atmosphere.

Correspondent of Cointelegraph asked Mr. Chatzinikolaou Dimos. about it and the decisions to be made for the future.

Cointelegraph: What do you say about this Meetup Group?

Dimos Chatzinikolaou: If we divide the transnational bitcoin community into national groups, we may declare ourselves as a Greek bitcoin community. There is a minor, hence rapidly growing, interest from the Greek people to learn about this new innovation on money and there is no doubt that the capital controls which have been put in place from the banking industry last summer is pushing forward this interest. There is a handful of businesses and organizations that are working on bitcoin, and are based in Greece, and as always with the open source technologies the majority of the community is constituted by volunteers.

CT: Why are you in a Bitcoin and Blockchain technology community?

DC: This new meetup in Athens has sprung up through this enthusiasm and personal interest for the new bitcoin industry which gives promises for solutions to the banking economic fragmentation and is our first meetup that's been announced that early prior it's accomplishment. There will be analytical presentations, both for newcomers and more advanced users, and will be held in one of the most well established technological innovation hub in the city of Athens. This early announcement is the result of good communication, enthusiasm, community-driven social behavior and economic advance incentives by exceptionally tech savvy people that coordinate through a slack channel, the bitcointalk forum and the meetup page (all three channels are gaining significant network effect). This meetup will be as expected and most importantly there will be a lot of bitcoin donations for experimentation!

I am in the bitcoin community in order to change the world…

Chatzinikolaou Dimos, MeetUp organizer

At the meetup taking part will be co-organizer Mr. Papageorgiou George, lecturer at program “Master of Science degree in Digital Currency” from Adjunct Faculty at University of Nicosia (UNic). George shall speak about bitcoin and the blockchain.

He commented for Cointelegraph about this Meetup:

“We aim to have yet another successful meetup, introducing Bitcoin to newcomers and discussing more advanced topics with everyone interested.”

Another member of the community is Mr. Karasavvas Kostas, Software Architect and Engineer at Acrossio, who is going to talk about the innovation and applications of Bitcoin.

The community already has 86 members and is growing at a steady rate, each week there are more people asking about it, wondering how this is possible, to create something so controversial to the system changing the way we used to do transactions.

Cointelegraph is going to be there and bring our readers the latest news.