Bitcoin Investors Still Small Minority of Investors Worldwide: Survey

Only 3% of retail investors in Japan and the US, and only 10% in Hong Kong have already invested in virtual currency, according to the Monex Group survey.
Only 3% of retail investors in Japan and the US, and only 10% in Hong Kong have already invested in virtual currency, according to the Monex Group survey.

Bitcoin investors are still the minority when compared to the total investors worldwide, a recent Global Investor Survey by Monex Group has found.

The study’s findings allude to the unknown nature of Bitcoin:

“We asked retail investors about much-talked-about “virtual currency” such as Bitcoins. The results showed that the percentage of retail investors actually investing is still low, with only 3% of retail investors in Japan and the US, and only 10% of retail investors in China (Hong Kong) answering that they had already invested in virtual currency.”

Investors in Japan more familiar with cryptocurrencies

Around 20% of the total investors in both China and the US do not possess knowledge of cryptocurrencies.

"The study also revealed that many in Japan are familiar with cryptocurrencies, yet they haven’t invested in them yet."

Embracing Bitcoin

With the developments in the value of Bitcoin, it is possible to see the number of existing investors grow over time. One of the key drivers of this prediction is that Japan has already legalized Bitcoin as an official currency, which can be used as a payment method for day to day purchases.

Ethereum on the map

Aside from Bitcoin, Ethereum is a strong contender, which has been rumored to potentially overtake Bitcoin’s position in the upcoming years. This is mainly due to the various ICO’s powered by the technology.

While Bitcoin price has already skyrocketed and left behind many investors who were unable to capitalize on the rising trend, Ethereum appears to be the next logical choice. Given that Ethereum is still growing in value when compared to Bitcoin, it could be the perfect opportunity for people to get more familiar with cryptocurrencies and start with Ethereum.